Black Wolf

Black Wolf


Superhero Database Original Characters

Black Wolf's weapons

Sword of �?zora Wolf is equipped with a Stourn Sword, and a Ice crystal, which makes the sword as heavy and 4�? as sharp as before, Ice Crystals . Ice crystals are the last pieces of Glaciat . It is able to freeze over volcanos and blast a moon apart The Blade of Immense Power (BIP) It is able to heal out blasts powerful enough to destroy multiple universes and is on par with TAS durability. It has destroyed Damon's and has killed Many of the Varosverse Big Guns. It also increases his power by 5 Time .

Black Wolf's equipment

Stourn Armor Stourn is an alloy found in the core of Hellion, it is stated that Hell-Father created it when he became ruler of Hell. He took of his armor and melted it into the core. WOlf possesses a Stourn plated armor, Stourn a fictional metal in my universe so he absorbs energy, such as sound, light and heat. which means the armor absorbs some damage, it is also comparable to Vibranium or Adamantim allowing it to have incredible levels of durability. Mystical Armor of Brilon It is a magical armor of Stourn . It is able to block universal level power . It can absorb power far greater than normal Stourn and is one of the only physical things that can block the ancestral sword .
No equipment or weapons connected to Black Wolf