Black Bird

Black Bird

Alexander Garcia

Superhero Database Original Characters

Black Bird's History

Black Bird is the son of Darkseid and Maria Garcia, Darkseid took her hostage on his ship, they started talking one day, then they felt a connection. Then one day darkseid had a baby with Maria, fearing that the son would want to kill him for his horrible nature, he wanted to kill it, Maria convinced him not to. Maria then put the baby up for adoption. The week after that, a man adopted him, along with Dick Grayson. That man was Bruce Wayne, also known as Batman. He named the baby Alexander. 10 years Alexander begged him to take Boxing lessons, he was a boxing prodigy.At 13 years old, he had discovered his Adoptive Father was Batamn himself, and wanting to become a superhero himself he became Robin. 5 years later Alexander thought he was too old to be Batman's sidekick and wanted to become his own superhero . At 19 years old he became an olypmic gold medalist, the month later he became a professional boxer, by then he had mastered 20 total martial arts, and was also known as Black Bird. At 21 years old he then achieved his life goal of becoming the Boxing Welterweight champion of the world, he then went to become a five weight divisional world champion. At Welterweight, Junior Middleweight, Middleweight, Super Middleweight, and Light Heavyweight.