Beta Ray Bill

Beta Ray Bill

The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes (2010-2013 TV Series)

Beta Ray Bill's History

When Surtur's army invaded Korbin and the star near it began to flare. Beta Ray Bill was chosen and modificated to protected the surviving Korbonites who were placed in coldsleep, Beta Ray Bill in the Skuttlebutt fled his planet, pursued by the Fire Demons.

Beta Ray Bill was visited by Thor, who was detected as a demon breed, he ordered his ship to fire at him. He ambushed Thor when he broke in the ship, but was soon defeated when Thor threw Mjolnir at him. However, Beta did not gave up and reached Mjolnir and grabbed, shocking Thor. While battling Thor, he accidentally crashed his ship's system and made the ship crash on a meteorite. As he was prepared to finish Thor, he is summoned by Odin who was summoning the one who held Mjolnir.

Bill mistook them as demon breeds, Bill is then taken hold by Odin. He watched how Odin summoned Thor and shown their relationship, but sensed their auras be the same as the demon breeds. Bill explained his backstory to them and wanted to take revenge on Surtur for destroying his world. He asked for Thor's hammer, but Odin rejected. After Sif and Odin offered their help, Odin told them of another way and send them to Eitri. He watched through how Thor convinced Eitri to make a hammer for Bill.

Bill with his new hammer, Stormbreaker, Thor and Sif went to Skuttlebutt, where it is attacked by Fire Demons. With Thor, they held off the Fire Demons and took on the Enchantress who was possesed by Surtur. Together their unleashed their hammers on the witch and defeated her and with that, the Fire Demons disappeared. Bill wondered if the Enchantress would be gone forever, which Thor doubted. They go back to the Skuttlebutt where Sif reported that the Korbonites are safe. He rejected the offer of Sif helping him, since he believe that with his Stormbreaker, he can protect his people until finding a new home away from the Fire Demons and her duties lied somewhere else. Bill stayed on the ship and bade Thor and Sif farewell.