Bestial Hunter

Bestial Hunter

Bloodborne (2015 Game)

Bestial Hunter's History

The Bestial Hunter is an character encountered in the Bloodborne DLC, The Old Hunters. This is enemy can be found at the dead end in the Hunter's Nightmare where Gilbert's house would be located in Central Yharnam. He uses the Beast Claw paired with the Beast's Embrace rune, granting him access to the weapon's alternate moveset; combined with his enormous reserves of health, this makes him an especially dangerous opponent no matter when you choose to face him. While the Bestial Hunter does not use firearms, he is a nimble enemy with powerful melee attacks whose fighting style places a heavy emphasis on evasion; he rolls and quicksteps frequently in battle, and will almost always dodge thrown weapons such as Molotov Cocktails. He will exclusively use the Beast Claws' transformed mode in combat and will occasionally perform the roar attack; he will also periodically attempt to hit you from a distance with the leaping dive, but this move will usually miss at close range. Despite his appearance, the Bestial Hunter is not affected by the damage bonuses from serrated weapons or Beasthunter gems.