
Best Performances in Movies

Created by DeanDinosaur6, 4 y 9 mo 6 d ago.

What do you think?


cw6334 4 y 9 mo 4 d
Best Performances in Movies
79 months member
As an actor myself, I really really enjoy a lot of performances overall and can appreciate choices that actors make for characters unless of course the choice is to just be dull to be more edgy or something, but that saying I have quite a few I would like to list.
Marlon Brando - The Godfather
Leonardo Dicaprio - pretty much everything he is in, but specifically The Revenant or Wolf of Wall Street
Anthony Perkins - Psycho as Norman Bates and Norma Bates
Heath Ledger - The Dark Knight
Chadwick Boseman - 42 as Jackie Robinson
Robert De Niro - Taxi Driver
Tom Hanks - Forrest Gump
Jack Nicholson - One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Robert Downey Jr - Iron Man
Chris Evans - Avengers Endgame and Civil War
Tom Holland - Spider Man
Joaquin Phoenix - Joker specifically but he's great in most roles
Anthony Hopkins - Silence of the Lambs
Malcolm McDowell - A Clockwork Orange
Al Pacino - Scarface
Christoph Waltz - Inglorious Bastards
Samuel Jackson - Pulpfiction
Morgan Freeman - Shawshank Redemption
Kevin Spacey - American Beauty
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DeanDinosaur6 3 y 4 mo 26 d
Best Performances in Movies
83 months member
I've seen most. Most are great performances, a few are probably best of all time performances
Prion 4 y 9 mo 6 d
Best Performances in Movies
59 months member