
Best fighters in Mortal Kombat

Created by Tyrannus, 3 y 7 mo 9 d ago.

Make a top 5, 10 or however long list ranking who you think are the best fighters in Mortal Kombat. If you can explain why as well


Tyrannus 3 y 5 mo 20 h 15 m
Best fighters in Mortal Kombat
69 months member
1. Raiden
2. Liu Kang
3. Shao Khan
4. Goro
5. Sindel
6. Noob Saibot
7. Kabal
8. Sub-Zero
9. Scorpion
10. Kung Lao
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Tyrannus 3 y 5 mo 18 h 50 m
Best fighters in Mortal Kombat
69 months member
When I made my first list I was still new and didn't have the full picture. I do know and this list should be pretty accurate.
Tyrannus 3 y 7 mo 9 d
Best fighters in Mortal Kombat
69 months member
1. Raiden
2. Shinnok
3. Shao Khan
4. Sub Zero
5. Scorpion
6. Lui Kang
7. Kung Lao
8. Johnny Cage
9. Quan Chi
10. Sindel