



Bear's powers and abilities

The drugs that altered Fyodor radically changed him. He's very large, perhaps over eight feet tall and incredibly muscular. He has shown to be strong enough to break concrete, warp steel, and has reportedly torn people limb from limb. Despite his massive bulk, Fyodor is considerably agile, moving with considerable speed to the point that he has managed to dodge gunfire at times. He is not invulnerable, but is tough enough for small caliber bullets to do only relatively minor damage to him, and he is at least hardy enough to shrug off most minor injuries. He's also remarkably stealthy, having an intimate knowledge of the sewer system beneath Moscow to get around the city.

As a side effect, the drugs that made Fyodor so strong have left him incredibly hairy. This does however make him apparently quite unfazed by the otherwise harsh Russian cold. His fingernails also seem to sharp and strong enough to tear flesh. It's unknown whether the drugs that Fyodor was subjected to had any other long-lasting or serious side effects to his health.