

David Zavimbe


Batwing's powers and abilities

Powers and abilities


Similar to Batman, David Zavimbe possess no superhuman abilities. Having honed his abilities as a soldier, his primary skill is marksmanship. The vast majority of David's arsenal, as Batwing, are projectiles fired from his utility gauntlets. However, he is a formidable combatant capable of demonstrating various styles of martial art. Prior to joining Batman Inc. David took down numerous metahumans, with abilities ranging from energy projection to super strength, with nothing more than his police batons.

Weapons and Equipment

Zavimbe has a utility belt but most of his gadgets come from his utility gauntlets.


Grappling gun: a hook attached to wires fired from the utility gauntlets.

Tasers: specialized tasers built into the utility gauntlets that can administer a shock to foe.

Batarangs: thrown projectiles shaped like bats

Jet Boots: rocket projection boots used in combination with wings to grant flight

Wings: retractable wings made of fabric and metal, capable of granting flight when used in combination with jet boots. They are also used defensively as shields and/or offensively during combat releasing sonic waves capable of stunning foe.

Liquid Bandages: a spray that causes liquid to coagulate. Used to stop bleeding.

Energy Sword: a brightly blue colored beam released from the utility gauntlets. Used to cut and/or ignite flammable liquids.

Flammable liquids: a flammable liquid released from the utility gauntlets. It is used to dowse something or someone and is then ignited with the energy sword.

Tranquilizer Darts: armor piercing tranquilizers cable of taking down a rhino. They are fired from the utility gauntlets.

Incendiary projection: sporadic balls of energy fired from the utility gauntlets. The balls of energy can be charged and/or combined together to increasing the size of the projection.