

Terry McGinnis


Batman's weapons


Batman's equipment

A.L.F.R.E.D. An artificial intelligence modeled after Alfred Pennyworth's personality. Batsuit State-of-the-art Batsuit which automatically conforms to his size. The Batsuit features new gadgets such as glider wings, "thrusters" on the boots and even a cloaking device.
  • Enhanced strength by a factor of ten, ultimately allowing him to lift up to 1700 lbs.
  • Minimal reduction (or increase) in flexibility.
  • Forearm spikes can Extend out.
  • Enhanced visual assistance that allows him to see in the dark (visual from the Batsuit can be fed back to the main computer in the Batcave; it can also receive visual from the main computer, allowing for superior tactical planning). The visor can also serve as digital binoculars and an infra-red filter as well as a scanner.
  • Personal communicator allows Terry to keep in constant contact with Bruce at the Batcave.
  • Enhanced ballistic protection.
  • Significantly resistant to heat, electricity, water, and vibrations, but only slightly resistant to radiation.
  • Built-in rebreather for underwater combat/exploration.
  • Dispensable Batarangs with a range of auxiliary functions, such as producing electric shocks. However, there is a limit to the amount of Batarangs the Batsuit can dispense; Batman has run out on at least one occasion.
  • Disk can be fired from the top of the wrist.
  • Electrical discharges throughout the suit that can be activated by pushing the button on the belt.
  • Wrist-mounted laser capable of melting metal and stunning his opponents.
  • Grappling guns built into the forearms.
  • Flashbang grenades.
  • Smoke pellets.
  • Flexicuffs.
  • A lock decipher.
  • Launchable tracers.
  • Retractable Tweezers.
  • A frequency scanner to pick up hot spots.
  • A retractable PIN or password decipherer in the form of a key on the right index finger.
  • Retractable wings under the arms to glide on.
  • Rocket boots enabling limited flight.
  • Electromagnetic pads in the soles of the boots enabling him to cling to walls and ceilings.
  • Sensitive touch microphone on index and middle fingers that permits eavesdropping through solid surfaces.
  • Sensors that work as a polygraph.
  • Drug identifier, utilized by dipping fingers into the substance.
  • Built-in cloaking device that enables almost complete camouflage. It allows camouflage extending into the visible light and infrared frequencies of the electromagnetic spectrum. A countermeasure used by Commissioner Barbara Gordon to this in one incident where she was hunting Batman down was through tracking him using an ultraviolet light to illuminate him.
  • Retractable claws which can be used to slice or facilitate climbing.
  • Can uplink with the Batmobile for remote piloting.
  • A remote kill function that can externally deactivate the suit from the Batcave.
  • The belt buckle also serves as a buzz saw to get out of a room quickly or to cut through denser material.




Batman's Utility Belt

Suits / Armor


