Baron Samedi

Baron Samedi

Baron Samedi

Marvel Cinematic Universe

Baron Samedi's powers and abilities

Loa Physiology: As a Loa, Samedi is a powerful entity residing in the Dark Dimension with supernatural powers.

Immortality: The Dark Dimension is a timeless entity, thereby resulting in Samedi being a primordial immortal.

Dark Dimension Magic: Ruling over certain parts of the Dark Dimension, Samedi can control several aspects of the realm.

Dimensional Travel: With a snap of his fingers, Samedi could send Cloak and Dagger from the Dark Dimension back to the Earthly Plane.

Virtual Reality Manifestation: Also with a snap of his fingers, Samedi was able to make Cloak appear, while playing an arcade game. Later he sent both Johnson and Bowen into that virtual reality, making them appear as characters in the game.



Intelligence110 IQ
Strength100 kg • 220 lb
Speed6 m/s

Super Powers

Dimensional TravelImmortality