BARC Trooper

BARC Trooper

Star Wars Universe

BARC Trooper's History

Biker Advanced Recon Commandos, also referred to as BARC troopers, were special forces clone troopers of the Grand Army of the Republic that were trained to ride BARC speeders across difficult terrain or dangerous battlegrounds. BARC troopers were equipped with modified clone trooper armor that directed their attention forward to avoid distractions, which could be dangerous to them at high speeds. During the final days of the Clone Wars, BARC troopers under the command of Jedi General Stass Allie and Clone Commander CC-8826 "Neyo" were present on the planet Saleucami. Whilst out on a speeder bike patrol, Neyo was issued Order 66 by the Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic, Sheev Palpatine, which forced him to open fire on his superior. As a result Allie, like most of the other Jedi across the galaxy, was killed by the troops.