

universe Demonbane

Azrad's powers and abilities

Scimitar of Barzai: Azrad's perferred weapon. It is a black crescent blade. Through the use of the Sign of Voor, he can transform his cane into a Scimitar of Barzai.

Dispelling: The Scimitar of Barzai can be used to undo the effects of spells.

Mutliple Scimitars: Azrad can summon and control multiple scimitars at once through telekenetic abilities.

Spell Buffing: Azrad can empower spells and weapons such as the Scimitar of Barzai. Should he need to, Azrad can also absorb a magically enhanced weapon and gain the effects of the enhancement.

Magius Style: Along with an increase to his physical abilities, Magius Style also grants him advanced, superhuman vision and can use his razor sharp wings as method of flying or as a slicing weapon.