


Asura's Wrath

Augus's History

Augus was originally a rogue demigod warrior who lived in the mountainous areas defeating large Gohma and various warriors in his pursuit to find a worthy fighter. After easily defeating a large Gohma, Augus proclaimed his dissatisfaction and desire for a stronger opponent but was suddenly approached by Deus, a newly-appointed Guardian General at the time. Augus assumed Deus of coming to avenge a Guardian General he had murdered in a fight in the past, but Deus described it as not his intention and instead asked Augus to join him and become one of the Eight Guardian Generals. Not interested due to his belief he was too strong to be a General, Augus derided Deus, saying he didn't want to be in the same ranks as weaklings, which caused Deus to attempt to use force to make Augus join him. After an arduous fight, with each marveling at each other's skill, Augus let the match settle as a draw and promised to join as long as the fights were as interesting as the one with Deus. Deus promised battles aplenty and described his dedication to the purification of the Gohma, something according to Augus no one in the history of Shinkoku has attempted. Excited, Augus eagerly join Deus' ranks as a General. At a later point, Augus became the mentor of Asura and Yasha as well as a good friend. They spent much time together fighting and training and formed a close bond. However, Asura never understood his master's lust for fighting his entire life.