

All Terrain Tactical Enforcer, Six Legs

Powers of AT-TE

Mass-Driver Cannon - This heavy projecticle cannon was mounted on the dorsal surface of the walker and could fire a variety of munitions. In addition to bombarding fixed positions with its default rounds, the mass driver could be used to shoot down slow-moving aircraft as well as intercept incoming rocket fire. There were aslo lower powered plasma projectiles that could be fired for anti-infantry duty.

Laser Turrets - Each AT-TE came equipped with 6 ball-mounted anti-personnel lasers, 4 in the front and 2 on the rear of the vehicle. These could also be used to engage lightly armored vehicles and aircraft.

Armor - The AT-TE's armor was strong enough to be completely immune to small arms fire and was proof against most heavy ground weaponry due to its conductive material dissipating the heat from weapons fire to minimize penetration. The armor was also proof against electromagnetic pulse and ion weaponry. The armor was not perfect, as the belly was significantly less well armored and the joint connecting the two sections of the hull could be pierced relatively easily.

Locomotion - The AT-TE's six leg configuration allowed it move mostly unhindered at a maximum of 60 kph. Each footpad was equipped with terrain sensors and tractor-field generators, which greatly aided in keeping the machine stable. Not only was it able to climb sheer surfaces, it could also scale certain metal surfaces thanks to its ability to magnetize its feet.

Complement - In addition to its 7-clone crew, the AT-TE could carry up to 20 fully equipped clone troopers, although some traded out 10 of these troopers for a pair of AT-RTs. There was also an IM-6 Medical Droid that could help with injuries. Each compartment of the AT-TE was also pressurized to allow it to operate in a vaccuum or underwater for a limited amount of time.