

universe Charmed Universe

Asmodeus's powers and abilities

Basic Powers

Spell Casting: The ability to cast spells and perform rituals.

Active Powers

Apportation: The ability to transport objects from one location to another.

Banishing: The ability to banish other beings from a location.

Dream Leaping: The ability to enter and manipulate the dreams of others.

Energy Ball: The ability to throw spheres of electrical energy.

Pyrokinesis: The ability to create and manipulate fire with the mind.

- Fireball: The ability to throw upper-level fireballs, which resemble swirling, flaming rings of metal.

- Optical Fire Bolt: The ability to fire a stream of fire from one's eyes.

Ground-Fading: An energy-based form of teleportation.

Hologram Projection: The ability to create holograms from images in the mind.

Hypnosis: The ability to put other beings in a trance, bending them to one's will.

Molecular Dispersion: The ability to destroy a being by ripping their molecules apart.

Remote Teleportation: The ability to teleport other beings from one location to another.

Resurrection: The ability to resurrect oneself after being vanquished. When the Triad is vanquished, they return in spirit form until they are able to create new bodies for themselves.

Sensing: The ability sense the location of other beings.

Summoning: The ability to summon other beings to one's presence.

Telekinesis: The ability to move objects and beings with the mind.

Telepathy: The ability to read the thoughts of others and communicate mentally. The Triad was in telepathic contact with Christy.

Temporal Stasis: The ability to stop or slow down time in a certain area.

Voice Manipulation: The ability to alter one's voice to sound like another.

Other Powers

High Resistance: The ability to be highly resistant to physical and magical harm.

Immunity: The ability to be immune to certain powers, spells or potions.

Immortality: The ability to possess an infinite lifespan and an arrested aging process.

Molecular Adjustment: The ability to resist and fight through inhibitory molecular powers such as Molecular Immobilization.

Manifestation: The ability to exist in spirit form after the body is destroyed.