Ashema The Listener

Ashema The Listener


universe Prime Marvel Universe

Ashema The Listener's History

A female Celestial who took human form while on a mission with Nezzar the Calculator. The two were to take Franklin Richards back to presumably the One Above All Celestial for evaluation. However, Franklin taught Ashema the gifts and curses of human emotion and caused her to change her mind about Franklin and all of humanity for that matter. She eventually defied her Celestial Brethren and saved Franklin's Counter-Earth by storing it inside of her.

However, the Dreaming Celestial, a renegade, entered the Counter Earth and began corrupting it and Ashema. Eventually Ashema retaliated and fell under the complete control of the Dreaming Celestial. She was eventually saved by the Fantastic Four and Doctor Doom and helped recapture the Dreaming Celestial. It is presumed that she left Earth to rejoin the other Celestials.