Art the Clown

Art the Clown


Terrifier Universe


ultron 2 mo 15 d
Art the Clown
79 months member
@Galactus @MoNsTeR can i re-edit him since i just watched terrifier 3?
inteligence should be a bit higher (120-125) he was able to create a hydrogen gun and is able to not get caught by the cops by ease
combat should be atleast 45 he was able to fight evenly with that one girl with the sword
he should also have some extra abbilities, regeneration should be purple, he can regenerate his headless body with a diffrent head, body control (can control his limbs seperatly and is able to stay perfectly still for 5 years), telepathy (with victoria) and a couple others
like he needs acid manipulation (gray) which he used in terrifier 2
Last edited: 2 mo 15 d ago.
DannyGurney 10 mo 4 d
Art the Clown
11 months member
Shouldn't it be Art the clown instead of the Art the terrifier? 🤔
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ultron 9 mo 13 d
Art the Clown
79 months member
yeah ur right lmao