Archangel Orieadiel

Archangel Orieadiel

Orieadiel Phoenix

Superhero Database Original Characters

Archangel Orieadiel's History

The Archangel Orieadiel is from a race of primordial angels that were created by God and existed long before the creation of the Big Bang, these primordial angels being looked at as Heaven's most fearsome wrath Orieadiel was the 4th archangel to be created after Samael, Michael, and Gabriel and was responsible for creating what would be on the earth along with God, Orieadiel felt his job was just like the same amount of importance as his 3 older brothers Samael responsible for the creation of light and stars, Michael who was responsible for protecting the gates of Heaven, and Gabriel who's job was giving the lifeforms on earth the protection and guidance they needed. After God and Orieadiel were done with their job they went back to heaven where everything was peaceful for a little until God asked all the Archangels and normal Angels to bow down to his creation (Humans) but Samael The First Archangel did not want to bow to the Humans and started The War in Heaven better known as The Rebellion. Orieadiel was on the side of his brother Michael along with Gabriel and Raphael and the plethora of good angels that helped them during the War Orieadiel got into brutal combat with his younger brother Uriel and easily defeated him but spared him out of love that he was still family even though he betrayed Heaven after that the war was soon over going on for 5 hours Michael using his power to defeat Samael banishing him out of Heaven and into Hell where he would change his name to Lucifer and became the Sovereign of Hell. as Orieadiel saw his older brother banished forever he shed a tear whispering (Goodbye Lightbringer) as he flew off a few centuries later he decided to abandon Heaven as home didn't feel the same with a good amount of his angel family gone and in Hell, When he got to earth in somewhere around the 1900's he started a new life on earth by the name Orieadiel Phoenix.