Arcade Gnar (Arcadia)

Arcade Gnar (Arcadia)


League of Legends Alternate Universes

Arcade Gnar's History

Arcadia: home to the server's most competitive arcade gamers pulled into the games and justice-driven NPCs. Here, the heroes always play to win. And that means overriding the Battle Bosses' corrupted code, even with the odds stacked against them. Victory won't come easy, but seeing the surprise on the bosses' faces after an incredible outplay will totally make it worth it.

Gnar is one such justice-driven NPC, although he has always had... destructive tendencies, but at least he plays by the rules. Of course, this backfires when the game’s rules involve tearing down--and eating--every building in sight. These tendencies once drew the attention of Veigar, but Gnar ultimately proved too chaotic to properly control and the project was abandoned.