Apophis (Modern)

Apophis (Modern)

Superhero Database Original Characters

Apophis's History

Known Information:

Apophis was born around 250 BC as a normal human in Greece. After he came in contact with some mystical stuff I yet have to figure out he went into hiding for centuries to study dark Magic. During this time he wasn’t seen very often and didn’t have any significant impact in history. In the until the Middle Ages he observed humanity and came to the conclusion, that the only way it could be saved, was if he ruled it all. Around the 14th Century AD he tried to seize power using the chaos in Europe and Asia + an ginormous Army of Undead he had been summoning, which turned out to be harder than he expected, because he seemingly got defeated by a coalition between the Kingdom of France; the Kingdom of England and even parts of the Ottoman Empire. (I know that England and France had the Hundred Years’ War back than, but this is alt history so don’t question it)

[To be continued…]