

Apogee's powers and abilities

Gravity Control: Apogee had the ability to control gravity to allow her to manipulate the weight and motion of objects, to suspend and levitate targets in the air, send them flying back or fourth, or slam them down to the ground with hand gestures. As seen in LEGO The Incredibles, she could also hurl blue-tinged blasts of gravitational energy at her enemies. Her powers increased as the sun approached apogee (high noon), hence her name. Due to this, she could not use her powers during the night time.

Levitation: Apogee wore a solar enhancing membrane suit. This gave her the power to travel by solar-powered levitation.

Superhuman Endurance: Apogee’s NSA file suggested that she possessed superhuman levels of endurance, allowing her to perform heroics for long periods of time without tiring. This may have also been linked to her solar-powered suit.

Apogee's weaknesses

Nighttime, Clouds, and Eclipse: Since her powers are only active when the sun is out, sunset, clouds, or eclipses will render her completely powerless.