

universe The Elder Scrolls Verse

Anui-El's History

In the Altmar tradition, Anui-El (Anuiel) is the soul of Anu the Everything and of all things.

He is seen as order, the everlasting ineffable light, and is dichotomically opposed to Sithis, who represents chaos, the corrupting inexpressible action. And though Anuiel is often described with such terms, Sithis worshippers regard him as a demon as he represents the stasis of Anu, which in they eyes is unchanging nothingness. The interaction of these two opposing forces is the Gray maybe, Nirn (though the entirety of the Aurbis is also used in context), And from this interaction spring the et'Ada, or orginal spirits.

Anuiel is said to responsible for the time-law established with Nirn. Similarly, it is also said that soul of Anuiel is Auri-El, who infused the Aurbis with time.