Antiverse(Mr-Anti) (1)

OC Antiverse(Mr-Anti) (1)


universe Superhero Database Original Characters

Antiverse(Mr-Anti)'s History

Antiverse at the start of his creation immediately seeked to explore other worlds however his creator, Detirousmodus, god of Afterlife and Embodiment of Afterlife decided he was only to operate in purgatory and for him to not leave. Antiverse while being curious was also obedient to his creator and listened well however he assumed sending avatars wouldn’t count as they weren’t HIM leaving but his Duplicates leaving, so he created a Antiverse avatar within one of the multiverses for a test run to see how things would progress. Of course gods of that world found his avatar, those gods were Odin, Thor, and Ares and threatened him to leave this universe as he was a Hersey an anomaly, a Stain to their world and they don’t wish to let it continue to stay. Antiverse apposed them seeking to explore the vastness of the universe however they wouldn’t allow it and the battle began, it was fierce and the Avatar was practically on the verge of death but eventually he subdued them to a retreat. Antiverse’s Avatar began to recover after this damage which only took 10 seconds to recover fully, he then began his dimensional travels through universes and while sometimes his avatars got destroyed he would create news ones to replace them in a new universe and would avoid ones he’s died in till he came up with a plan to defeat his killer, while he has no actual grudge against his killer he doesn’t appreciate their hindrance and does what has to be done. (WIP)