Antiverse(Mr-Anti) (1)

Antiverse(Mr-Anti) (1)


Antiverse(Mr-Anti)'s weapons

No equipment information available.

Antiverse(Mr-Anti)'s equipment

Omni Iscohedron Globe: [ a summon-able Isocahedron-shaped Globe made and used by Mr Antiverse’s Energy, using his power he’s able to peer into universes at a Low Outerversal Level, crossing to even the deepest of multiverses execpt if their beyond the size of one Ex: Omniverses, Metaverses, Alphaverses. It can also peer into different scenarios and Alternate strings of universes connected to the source that can be cycled through by Mr Anti’s conscious focus. Each side being a somewhat mirror to that reality] Metamorph Omni Weapon[ a Weapon usually in the form of a one hand weapon such as a pistol or a short sword. It is capable of shooting or using the power of Mr Antiverse condensed into attacks at an adjustable scale. It can also morph into anything the user can think of even if it’s something that shouldn’t physically exist such as a mixed Paradox with a rubber duck.] Paradoxical Graspers: [These consist of 10 disembodied Clawed hands that hold a White eye in the center, they have some way sentience but act nothing more but functional sentient floating weapons for mr anti that he can summon at will including the size, quantity, and even change them for a specific purpose, for example if he needed to handle a target that had tough armor he would create a Grasper with sharper claws and more flexible and sturdier frame to be able pierce and punch a hole straight through.] “The Console” [The console is a White cube that has rune signs on each side all of different variation, they act similar to buttons that Mr anti can control to cycle the cube’s sides to click different rune symbols, similar to key buttons. Mr Anti when creating this item had recently spectated a Universe that involved game physics which he really enjoyed so he created it out of inspiration of it. The console is somewhat like a More direct Power controller able to shoot out more direct actions such as creating zombies or demateralizing items or even changing reality it’s self, the console it’s self is low complex multiverse level but is his most common item when he wishes to handle things more “collected”]
No equipment or weapons connected to Antiverse(Mr-Anti)