Angel Of Destiny

Angel Of Destiny

Charmed Universe

Angel Of Destiny's powers and abilities

Active Powers

- Sparkling: The ability to teleport surrounded by tiny lights or sparks.

Remote Sparkling: The ability to teleport surrounded by tiny lights or sparks other people from one place to another without touching them.

- Chronokinesis: The ability to control and manipulate time in all directions.

Temporal Stasis: The ability to slow or stop the flow of time itself.

- Premonition: The ability to see the past, present and future. The Angels can foresee all possible futures and destinies.

- Reality Warping: The ability to manipulate reality itself.

- Sensing: The ability to locate and sense people.

- Telekinesis: The ability to move objects with the mind. The first Angel of Destiny closed the doors to the manor as he teleported outside.

- Banishing: The ability to cast one out and forbid their return. The Angels banished Neena to the realm of her own creation.

Other Powers

- Immortality: The ability to live forever without aging and be immune to all kind of diseases.

- Immunity: The ability to be immune to certain or all kinds of powers and/or physical harm. They are immune to the powers of witches and possibly those of other magical beings.

- Invincibility: The ability to be unaffected by any physical or magical harm. As the Angels play a vital part in the Grand Design, they cannot be vanquished. Their only known limitation is that they can't influence those who exist outside of space and time.