

universe Lucifer tv show

Amenadiel's powers and abilities

Archangel Physiology

As the oldest and one of the most powerful angels, Amenadiel is extremely powerful and has their powers, as well as their weaknesses.


Being the firstborn Angel, Amenadiel has been alive for billions of years, predating the Big Bang and all of his angelic siblings. Like all angels, he is absolutely immortal with an eternal youthful lifespan, and he will live for all eternity without aging or decaying.

Superhuman Strength

Amenadiel, like all angels, is incredibly strong, capable of exerting immense amounts of superhuman physical force and has vast levels of superhuman strength when he so desires, the full extent of which remains unknown but said to be among the strongest of God's angels

Superhuman Speed

Like all angels, Amenadiel is extraordinarily fast, he is much faster than humans, demons, animals, and other beings, he can appear and disappear with a blink of an eye, and when using his wings he can fly as fast or faster than the speed of light, he can appear and disappear, in a similar manner akin to teleportation.


Amenadiel's wings allow him to fly, including between Earth and Heaven. He can fly as fast or faster than the speed of light in which he would seemingly disappear from the human eye, in a similar manner, akin to teleportation.


Like all Angels, Amenadiel is virtually indestructible and nearly invincible. He has an incredibly durable body, which can withstand a vast amount of physical damage. Bullets and knives harmlessly bounce off of his body.

Superhuman Reflexes

Like all Angels, Amenadiel has vast superhuman agility and reflexes, far greater agility than humans and demons.

Superhuman Stamina


When using his wings he can fly as fast or faster than the speed of light, he can appear and disappear, in a similar manner akin to teleportation.


Amenadiel's wings allow him to fly, including between Earth and Heaven. He can fly as fast or faster than the speed of light in which he would seemingly disappear from the human eye, in a similar manner, akin to teleportation.

Dimensional Travel

When Amenadiel possessed his wings, he was able to travel between Heaven, Hell, and Earth. He lost this ability when his wings were damaged and his powers weakened. Upon regaining his wings, Amenadiel regained the ability to travel back to Heaven.

Regenerative Healing Factor

Like all angels, Amenadiel can heal any injury or wound within minutes or an hour, no matter how bad the injury is.



Intelligence200 IQ
Strength50+ tons
Speed439x Speed of Sound

Super Powers

AcausalityAccelerated HealingAcid ResistantsAcrobaticsAgilityAngel PhysiologyBanishCausality ResistanceCold ResistanceDeath ManipulationDexterityDivine PowersDivinityDurabilityElectricity ResistanceEmpathyEnduranceEnergy ManipulationEnergy ResistanceEnhanced MemoryExtrasensory PerceptionFate ResistanceFire ResistanceHeat ResistanceImmortalityIntelligenceInvulnerabilityLife ManipulationLongevityMagicMagic ResistanceMaster Martial ArtistMatter ManipulationMind Control ResistanceNecromancyPlant ControlPossession ResistanceRadiation ImmunityReality WarpingReality Warping ResistanceReflexesRegenerationResurrectionSelf-SustenanceSoul ResistanceSpatial ManipulationStaminaSuper SpeedSuper StrengthTeleportationTime ManipulationTime Manipulation ResistanceToxin and Disease ResistanceUnholy ManipulationUnholy ResistanceWeather ControlWind ControlWing ManifestationWishingBiokinesisClairvoyanceCosmic AwarenessCreationCurse ManipulationCurse ResistanceDimensional TravelEnhanced HearingEnhanced SightEnhanced SmellEnhanced TouchFear InducementFearlessFood ManipulationGrappling/ClimbingHeat GenerationHoly ManipulationHoly ResistanceIce ManipulationIllusion ResistanceIntimidationJumpMaster TacticianMultilingualismNon-Physical InteractionOmnilingualismPreparationShapeshiftingSoul ManipulationStealthTelepathyTelepathy ResistanceTime TravelToxin and Disease ControlVitakinesisWater ControlWeapons MasterWill Of GodExistence Erasure ResistanceFlightLevitationPower BestowalPower NullifierShockwaves GenerationTelekinesis