Alucard (Pre-Schrodinger)

Alucard (Pre-Schrodinger)



Alucard's History

Alucard first appears as the Hellsing Organization is called in the investigate happenings in Cheddar. Here he meets Seras Victoria, one of the police sent in beforehand to handle the situation, as well the target, the Cheddar Priest. Thinking Alucard will not shoot him if he holds the girl hostage, the priest puts Seras between himself and the other vampire's Casull but, apologizing to the Police Girl, Alucard shoots him anyway, and her. He then gives her a chance to avoid death and turn into a Vampire, which she accepts. Alucard sets about trying to teach her how to be a true vampire, helping her unlock her bloodlust and tap into her superhuman abilities, but doing one such mission in Badrick, he is interrupted by Alexander Anderson. The two trump cards fight viciously, but before any major damage can be done, Integra arrives and collects her vampires.

Later, when the Hellsing Organization is assailed by Luke Valentine and Jan Valentine, Alucard engages and devours Luke with his Baskerville Familiar. He meets the Wild Geese once they are hired, walking through a wall, terrifying them in the process and calling them "a pathetic bunch of sniveling cowards". He then heads to Rio with Seras. Upon exiting his room, Alucard is attacked by the remaining SWAT members, and he proceeds to sadistically and brutally massacre them. After killing the last SWAT members by impaling them on flagpoles, he is engaged by Tubalcain Alhambra in person. After a brief battle which causes serious collateral damage in the observing crowd, Alhambra manages to hit Alucard with several of his razor sharp, ultra durable playing cards, which Alucard appears to have some difficulty regenerating from initially. The two of them make their way to the roof of the hotel, where Alucard releases his restriction seals and vanishes. After fending off an assault from Seras, Alhambra re-engages Alucard, only to have his knee inverted with a kick and his arm split lengthwise after a failed attempt to do the same to Alucard with one of his cards. Alucard then consumes Alhambra to gain information on Millennium's plans, but gains only the limited knowledge that Alhambra himself had on Millennium, and thus receives an incomplete picture of their plans. As Alhambra's remains burn, Pip arrives with a helicopter and escapes with Alucard and Seras.

Alucard and company then set up shop in a small Brazilian town after the fiasco in Rio, from where Alucard calls Integra to report in. He tells her that he is now aware of what Millennium is planning to do, and Integra orders him back to London after a small verbal jab from Alucard. When Seras and Pip return (apparently from buying groceries), they begin to brainstorm how to return to London when Anderson kicks in the door. He and Alucard exchange a few hard punches before drawing weapons. Anderson, however, simply stakes a set of release papers to a wall, explaining that the Vatican will be providing their transport home. In London, Alucard and company join a meeting involving the Iscariot and Round Table management, presided over by Queen Elizabeth II herself.

After exchanging a tender greeting with the Queen, Alucard reports on Millennium's plan to use their newly bred vampire army to avenge their defeat during WWII. Immediately after this report, Schrödinger appears and sets up a video conference between Integra and The Major. After The Major states his intentions, Alucard tells him it will be a pleasure to destroy Millennium again and blows Schrödinger's head off as per Integra's orders. Sometime later, the Royal Navy receive reports of a Millennium hijacking of an aircraft carrier, the HMS Eagle. Integra, Walter, and Alucard journey to London to devise a way to recapture the ship. After listing and shooting down several possibilities, Walter comes up with the idea to use a modified SR-71 to get Alucard to the Eagle. Alucard then uses the plane to fly over the Eagle, well out of weapons range, and then to nosedive straight towards the ship before it can get its engines started. The Nazi soldiers and Millennium first lieutenant Rip Van Winkle attempt to shoot him down, but Alucard simply covers the SR-71 with his own body, keeping it in one piece long enough to crash into the flight deck of the Eagle. As he moves to confront a terrified Rip, the Nazi soldiers attempt to kill him while Rip retreats. Alucard brushes off their attack and butchers the lot of them. He then moves to confront Rip again, who gathers her courage and attempts to blast him into the ocean with her magic bullets. Right on the verge of falling off the ship, Alucard casually catches the bullet in his mouth and shatters it. He then punches Rip, stakes her to a wall with her own gun, and devours her. After consuming Rip, he lets out a maniacal laugh as the Major prepares his troops to attack London.

Despite the strategy of stranding in the ocean (as vampires cannot cross large bodies of water on their own), he manages to use his shadow powers to take control of and sail the stalled ship. Alucard begins his journey back to London on board the Eagle as Millennium burns London, opposed only by an advance force of Iscariot led by Alexander Anderson.

He later communicates telepathically with Seras during the attack on the Hellsing Manor by Millennium forces led by Zorin Blitz, prompting her to learn how to see through Zorin's illusions.

As the Vatican continues to fight the Last Battalion and murder the civilians of London, Alucard, at last, reaches London. Covering his arrival in a city-wide cloud of fog, he leaps from the Eagle (situated on the Thames river), and floats down between the Vatican forces and the Last Battalion, about to engage each other. When he lands, both Alexander Anderson and The Captain of Millennium move to confront him, each ignoring the other in favor of killing Alucard. Alucard shouts to Integra to give him an order, and she responds by ordering him to kill every one of Hellsing's enemies. To this end, she orders him to release Level Zero, Alucard's final and most devastating form. Every one of his enemies is overcome by dread as he initiates his release, sensing the horror that is to come, and they all attack him. Anderson and The Captain, seeing their attacks have no effect on Alucard, retreat while the Vatican and Millennium soldiers continue desperately to attack him.

Ultimately, they are unable to harm him, and the shadow matter Alucard's body was reduced to during the joint attack on him envelopes his foes like a tidal wave. As the shadow matter spreads throughout the city, human bodies begin to rise out of it, revealing that Level Zero is, in fact, the release of all the souls Alucard has devoured incorporeal form. As the Last Battalion and the Vatican prepare for the onslaught, Alucard takes the form of Vlad III "the Impaler" Dracula, appearing as he did when he first became a vampire. His forces wash over the Last Battalion and the Vatican while Tubalcain Alhambra and Rip Van Winkle, now familiars, destroy the Vatican's air forces. As the one-sided carnage draws to a close, Alucard greets Integra and Seras, acknowledging his pride in Seras for finally becoming a true vampire. He is then attacked by Anderson in the middle of this reunion. Telling his archenemy to come and kill him if he can, the two engage in a duel, with Alucard in his Vlad Tepes form wielding a broadsword.

When Anderson backs off to throw his bayonets at Alucard, Alucard shifts back to his Count-form and draws his guns, introducing Anderson to the Jackal. Anderson charges Alucard again, only to have the majority of his left upper arm blown off by the Jackal. Alucard then leaps behind a swarm of his familiars, out of reach of Anderson, who is then peppered with Alhambra's cards and shot by Rip Van Winkle's bullet. Badly hurt, with the wound in his left arm not regenerating, Anderson pauses to catch his breath while Alucard mocks him with the seemingly impossible odds of actually killing him. Anderson, disregarding these odds, prepares to charge into the horde of familiars, with Alucard looking on approvingly. As Anderson cuts his way to Alucard, Alucard revels in the thought that Anderson might be the human opponent he has been searching for; the one who might actually kill him. Anderson is finally stopped by Alucard's familiars but just as they are about to kill him, he is saved by a group of the remaining Iscariot-priests led by Heinkel Wolfe and Yumie Takagi. These priests engage in suicide bomber tactics to provide a path to Alucard for Anderson, which he utilizes successfully. Anderson then reveals his trump card, Helena's Nail, and prepares to stab himself with it. Horrified, Alucard shouts to him not to do it, telling him that he had enough strength as a man to win and begs him not to make the same mistake that he (Alucard) made. Anderson declines, saying that he does not wish to be a man, but a terrible storm of heartless, tearless piety, and stabs the nail through his own heart. Alucard, beside himself with fury, walks up to Anderson and points the Casull at him, screaming at him for his foolishness, but Anderson cuts off the arm with the Casull and Alucard's head in one motion. His headless body then blows off Anderson's head in return. As the two of them fall back, their bodies catch themselves and start to regrow their lost pieces. Alucard's pieces reappear as their usual shadow matter, but Anderson's head regrows as a half-human mass of thorny vines. Alucard then unloads upon Anderson, blowing off numerous chunks of the priest's body, but to no avail. He then shoots a Jackal round at the nail itself, only for the bullet to be stopped in mid-flight by Anderson's vines. Anderson, smiling, then leaps into the air and casts a bayonet at Alucard's head, impaling him and doing the first real damage to ever be dealt to him. Vines erupt from the blade in Alucard's head and set him aflame, burning his horde of familiars (which is just an extension of his form) as well.

Alucard then has flashbacks concerning his past (possibly his life flashing before him), and relives it form and charges Anderson. Anderson attempts to stop him with more vines but to no avail; Alucard plunges his hand into Anderson's chest, removes both the Nail and Anderson's heart, and rips him in half. As Anderson's pieces fall, Alucard closes his hand upon the heart and the Nail, destroying them both. Instead of gloating or laughing as with his other defeated foes, Alucard is overcome by grief and screams at Anderson for making the same mistake that he did and starts to sob under his breath. Anderson quietly laughs, however, and says to Alucard "Monsters don't cry. And that's why you became one, isn't it? So you wouldn't have to." This gets Alucard's attention and he regains his composure as Anderson continues with, "When a man's tears dry up forever, they become a monster... so laugh... just as always." Anderson exchanges a few final words with Alucard and then crumbles to dust with a final, "Amen", echoed by Alucard.

The scene of mourning is then interrupted by a rejuvenated Walter descending from the sky onto Anderson's crumbling remains. Walter explains to his former family how he has betrayed Hellsing of his own free will, and Alucard tells him sorrowfully that his old body was far more beautiful than his new, immortal one. As he sadly kneels in Anderson's ashes, Walter shouts at him to stand up and fight. Alucard then asks Integra to reaffirm her kill order which she does, to the delight of not only Alucard but The Major and Walter as well. As Integra and Seras leave to storm the Deus Ex Machina, Alucard and Walter begin their battle. Walter initially seems to have the upper hand since most of Alucard's fighting methods are useless against him. When he is about to use the Jackal against Walter, the pistol is revealed to be made by Millennium as The Doctor uses his remote to destroy it. Alucard then creates a hellhound out of his body, nicknamed "Baskerville" by Walter, who cuts it in half. A disgusted and confused Luke Valentine crawls out of its body, much to the amusement of Alucard. The hound's corpse and Luke are both then hijacked by Walter's wires, and he begins to control them like puppets. As he uses them, however, Walter's wires go slack and he coughs up blood due to his hasty transformation. Alucard then shoots the controlled Luke and dispatches the hound after being bitten in half by it. Walter then re-engages a regenerated Alucard himself, cutting his arms and legs off, slicing his torso in half, and suspending him in the middle of the room with wires. After collapsing and regressing in age, Walter then picks up a piece of re-bar and impales what he believes to be Alucard through the heart with it. In actuality, it was only the body of Luke Valentine disguised as Alucard who, now in the form of a young girl, snappishly punches Walter. This blow causes Walter to revert back to his 14-year-old body, with Alucard theorizing as to the cause of his regression. Alucard then taunts Walter, telling him that he was afraid of becoming old and useless and that his victory over Alucard would just provide a self-esteem boost. Alucard then begins to absorb the blood from the deceased inhabitants of London and the two defeated militaries.

Alucard continues to absorb the city's dead as Walter vertically bisects him with his wires, which is as futile as his other attacks. Alucard then grabs Walter, who appears to have given up at this point, contemptuously mocks him and Anderson for their respective failures, and prepares to kill Walter. Unknown to Alucard, Schrödinger commits suicide as Alucard drinks the city's dead, combining his remains into the river of human blood flowing to Alucard. Alucard inadvertently absorbs his soul as he drinks, and when he does, The Major claims that Alucard has lost. The vampire arrogantly mocks him for saying so, but as he does, he sees the sunrise. As he gazes at it, he recalls that whenever he thought he was about to die, he saw the sunrise in just the same manner. This time, however, for some reason, it seems more beautiful to him than ever before, and he starts to disappear as the Major explains to Integra what is happening. He explains that as long as Schrödinger can recognize himself, he exists everywhere and nowhere; but because he is absorbed by Alucard, he became a part of Alucard and was thus no longer a separate entity that could recognize itself. Thus, Alucard, now containing Schrödinger, can no longer stay in phase with the rest of reality and is becoming "a set of imaginary numbers", existing on some level but not in reality. Integra shouts an order at Alucard not to disappear, but as his numerous eyes continue to close, he tells Integra that there is nothing he can do, and bids her farewell as he closes his final two eyes. All that is left is a bloodstained Hellsing pentagram in one of the cobblestones in the street.

In the final chapter, Alucard re-appears in Integra's bedroom after a 30-year absence. He approaches a sleeping Integra and leans down, apparently with the intention of biting her. Before he can do so, however, Integra wakes up and unloads a handgun into him, knocking him to the floor. The commotion alerts Seras, who kicks open the bedroom door and turns on the lights. The two women find themselves staring at Alucard, who is sitting up against the wall regenerating. Integra, now as an old woman, asks him to explain what he was doing this whole time, and he tells her that he was killing his own lives except for one so that he could exist with Schrödinger's powers. She asks him if he is hungry, to which he responds that, after 30 years of not eating anything, of course, he is. When Integra regretfully comments on how old she is now, Alucard simply tells her that it is fine with him. She then smiles, bites her finger, and gives him a drop of blood as Alucard, having finally earned his right to immortality, licks. Alucard's eyes seem to have changed slightly due to possessing only a single soul.