

Superhero Database Original Characters

Alter-103's powers and abilities

Tier: High 1-A: High Outerverse level

Powers and Stats

Attack Potency: High Outerverse level (As a high outerverse entity, Alter-103 is capable of manipulating and destroying outerversal constructs with ease, his attacks are said to be able to affect the multilayered fabric of the Outerverse itself)

Speed: Immeasurable (Exists beyond the concepts of time and space)

Lifting Strength: Immeasurable (Can manipulate Outerversal constructs)

Striking Strength: High Outerverse level (Capable of delivering blows that can alter or outright obliterate Outerversal realities)

Durability: High Outerverse level (As an entity beyond dimensional scale, Alter-103 cannot be harmed by conventional means)

Range: High Outerversal (Can influence events across the Outerverse)

Intelligence: Nigh-Omniscient (Being a high outerverse entity, Alter-103 possesses an immense level of knowledge and awareness that surpasses most known entities)

Stamina: Infinite (As a Transdimensional Entity, physical fatigue does not apply to Alter-103)

Reaction Speed: Immeasurable (Can react to events that occur in a timeline beyond conventional perception)

Combat Speed: Immeasurable (Can engage in combat at a level that surpasses dimensional scaling)



Intelligence200 IQ

Super Powers
