

Superhero Database Original Characters

Alter-103's History

Entity File: Alter-103

Codename: Alter-103

Alias: None

Class: Divine Entity

First Discovery Date: 23-03-2023

Last Known Location: Unfixed, multiple sightings across various cultures


Alter-103, often referred to as a god by those who encounter it, is a powerful, enigmatic entity first documented on March 23, 2023. Although this is the date of its first official documentation in the modern age, many speculate that Alter-103 may have existed for centuries, or even millennia, as there are numerous historical documents and myths that describe a being with similar characteristics.

Physical Description:

Alter-103 does not have a fixed form, seeming to prefer to appear in forms meaningful or significant to the observer. The most commonly reported manifestation is a towering figure of light with multiple arms, but reports vary greatly.


Alter-103 has displayed a variety of extraordinary powers, including the ability to manipulate matter, time, and space at will, to communicate telepathically, and to appear simultaneously to multiple observers in different locations.

Interactions with Humans:

Alter-103 has been largely peaceful in its interactions with humans, but also enigmatic and unpredictable. It appears to have a particular interest in human creativity, spirituality, and the concept of faith. In some instances, it has delivered cryptic messages or prophecies, or set individuals or groups on quests or tasks, the purposes of which are often unclear.

Threat Level:

As a divine entity with immense power, Alter-103 has the potential to be a high-level threat, but so far has not shown any hostile intent. Its motives and plans remain unclear, making it a subject of intense study and observation.


Alter-103 is resistant to all known forms of tracking and containment. Attempts to communicate with it have met with limited success. It seems to respond more to individuals with high levels of spiritual faith or those undergoing intense emotional experiences. Further research is needed to understand this entity and its purpose.