Alisha Whitely

Alisha Whitely

Alisha Whitley

Marvel Cinematic Universe

Alisha Whitely's powers and abilities

Inhuman Physiology: Alisha Whitley was an Inhuman who achieved her genetic potential after undergoing Terrigenesis, gaining superhuman powers. She was trained by Jiaying to be ready for her powers.

Replication: Whitley was able to replicate herself, creating up to four duplicates of her own body. She used her duplicates in combat to overwhelm her enemy and chain attacks together. These duplicates, however, were dependent on the prime Whitley remaining conscious. Whenever her power was in use, Whitley's eyes were completely glazed over with white, her pupils and irises simply vanishing.

Hive Mind: Whitley could mentally command all of her duplicates to do her bidding without a spoken word. She also possessed the ability to know and control what her duplicates were doing, as she told Lincoln Campbell what parts of the Iliad she had conquered in real time. She could tell when one of her duplicates had been killed, suffering to some extent when this happened and needing time to recover. The extent to which Whitley suffered from a duplicate's death seemed to depend on how painful the death was; when Lash killed one of her duplicates, she went into shock, whereas she was still functional when one of her clones was shot by another. However, it should be noted that her encounter with Lash predated her infection by Hive.



Intelligence90 IQ
Strength90 kg • 198 lb
Speed6 m/s

Super Powers

CloningAcrobaticsHive-MindMarksmanshipMaster Martial Artist