Alisa Jones

Alisa Jones

Alisa Jones

universe Marvel Cinematic Universe

Alisa Jones's powers and abilities

Artificially Enhanced Physiology: Due to Karl Malus' illegal experiments at IGH, Jones' physical attributes are enhanced to superhuman levels.

Superhuman Strength: Jones possessed incredible strength that, to Jessica Jones' own admission, far surpasses Jessica's, as gently bumping into Malcolm Ducasse caused him to go flying into a motorbike. She was easily able to throw Jessica around a bar and completely demolish a grand piano with seemingly little effort when upset. Alisa, much like her daughter, was able to forcefully open doors with little effort, and could break glass at Neptune's World Aquarium. She was also strong enough to be able to twist the heads of Luanne McClure and Will Simpson around with minimal effort, killing them instantly. She often loses control of her strength when upset or enraged, due to her brain damage and the traumatic events that she had previously experienced.

Superhuman Durability: Thanks to the experiments from IGH, Jones was a lot more resistant to injury, being able to jump from high places without breaking her legs and withstanding hits from Jessica. However, like Jessica, she appeared to be vulnerable to gunshots, as Ruth Sunday injured her in the leg, and Trish Walker ultimately killed her when the latter shot her in the head.

Superhuman Speed: Thanks to her super strong legs, Jones was able to move fast. She was able to outrun Jessica after being subdued at a bar. Despite sustaining an injury to her right thigh, Alisa was able to still escape the scene upon falling out of the hospital window.

Regenerative Healing Factor: The experiments at IGH healed Jones' skin and body from the car accident. She was unable to grow hair, however, but her healing ability allowed her to recover from gunshot wounds.

Jump: Jones possessed the ability to leap great heights, similar to her daughter Jessica Jones , as she was able to leap over Jessica and Trish Walker after murdering Will Simpson. Alisa was also able to propel herself to the top of a high building in order to escape Jessica. She even admitted to being capable of leaping ten stories high.



Intelligence160 IQ
Strength2,000 kg • 4,409 lb
Speed10 m/s

Super Powers

Accelerated HealingBerserk ModeJumpStealthMultilingualism