

Latest Comments

These are the 50 latest comments made by AKS1

64 months member
Wonder Woman Have to go with Wonder Woman. I think WW's speed would be a very serious problem, and she also happens to be highly resistant to telepathic attacks. Wanda is decently quick in her reactions, but WW is legit speedster fast and has among the fastest reflexes of any superhero in DC (and DC is LOADED with super fast characters). She has caught Flash with a friggin' lasso and even casually challenged him to a race for fun and has kept up with characters like Jesse Quick without a problem. And then there are is the blindfolded training stuff still tagging Flash and Martian Manhunter. In a team battle I think Wanda would win if she had some tanks in front of her to protect her and give her a few moments to unleash her powers, but one-on-one I think Diana smashes her. She only needs to get close to her and could punch a hole through her with 1 shot. Too fast and strong.
AKS1 5 y 4 mo 2 d
64 months member
not voted Too close to call for me.
64 months member
Lucifer Morningstar A Creation tier character versus a Skyfather tier character is an absurd mismatch.