
OC Akrenach

Dirgus Derros

universe Superhero Database Original Characters


An elf raised by dwarves, Akrenach was at first a peaceful being until he lusted after power and aligned himself with dark forces after these dark forces granted him great powers of manipulation, endurance and travel through time and space, he turned on his masters and annihilated them, assimilating all their power and becoming an ethereal entity of sorts, he built a great mechanism to harness the power of time and space, hoping to become the most powerful being ever and annihilate all those who stood in his way, however a fluke in his construction caused the mechanism to collapse and now Akrenach bides his time, waiting for the right moment to rebuild it. read more

  • Power Stats

Official Superhero Database stats. | Class: 1,250,977,833 Auto converted

Super Powers

Accelerated HealingAge ManipulationAntimatter ManipulationBerserk ModeBlack Hole ManipulationBlood ManipulationBloodlustChanging ArmorChaos ManipulationCorruptionDamage BoostDarkforce ManipulationDeath ManipulationDimensional AwarenessDimensional TravelEnduranceEnergy ArmorEnergy BlastsEnergy ConstructsEnergy ManipulationEnergy ResistanceEnhanced MemoryExistence ErasureExistence Erasure ResistanceExplosion ManipulationFate ManipulationFire ResistanceGodly PhysiologyGreed InducementHair ManipulationHeat ResistanceHellfire ManipulationHigher Dimensional ManipulationHoly ManipulationImmortalityIndestructible DigestionIndomitable WillInsanityInvulnerabilityLife ManipulationLongevityMadness ManipulationMagic ResistanceMemory ManipulationMind Control ResistanceMolecular ManipulationMorality ManipulationNigh-OmnipresenceNothingness Aspect ManifestationOmniscienceOrganic ManipulationPain ManipulationPerfect RecollectionPhysics ManipulationPlasma ManipulationPortal CreationPossession ResistancePower BestowalPower NullifierQuantum ManipulationRadiation ImmunityRage PowerRegenerationSelf-SustenanceSense ManipulationSoul ManipulationSpaceflightSpatial AwarenessStaminaTelepathy ResistanceTeleportationTime ManipulationToxin and Disease ControlToxin and Disease ResistanceUnderwater breathingUnholy ManipulationVaporising BeamsWeapon CreationWeapons MasterWillpower InducementWillpower ManipulationChaos MagicConceptual ManipulationCurse ManipulationDamage ReductionEnergy AbsorptionLaw ManipulationMaster TacticianMatter ManipulationMetal ManipulationParalysisPower AugmentationPower ModificationProbability ManipulationRadiation AbsorptionRage InducementReality WarpingRune MagicSpatial ManipulationTime TravelVibration ManipulationVoid ManipulationWeather ControlWriting ManipulationDamage TransferalEnergy BeamsFear ManipulationFood ManipulationGravity ControlMagicPocket DimensionsPower AbsorptionPower MimicryRadiation ControlVehicular MasteryWater ControlWeapon-based Powers


Creator Agnarr
UniverseSHDB OC - Superhero Database Original Characters
Character Tier 8 (Low Complex Multiversal)
Full name Dirgun Akrenach Derros
Alter Egos No alter egos found.
Aliases Akrenach, Bloodmaster
Place of birth Unknown
First appearance Unknown
Alignment Bad


Gender Male
Species // Type Elf
Height 170.2 cm • 5'7"
Weight 200 kg • 440.92 lbs
Eye color Blue / White
Hair color Silver


Played by
Occupation Building and seeking power
Base Unknown
Relatives Unknown
Teams No teams added.
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