Air Elementor

Air Elementor

Max Steel (2013-2017 series)

Air Elementor's powers and abilities

  • Aerokinesis: His most notable power is his control over the wind. With this power, he is able to create small hurricanes, air blasts, change the composition of air at the point that no aerodynamic designs can stay airborne; such as N-Tek jets and they're missile pods ability to fly straight much less remain aloft, and also make himself turn into a hurricane.

  • Flight: Thanks to his control over the wind he can fly.

  • Superhuman Strength: Of all the Elementors, he is the strongest after Metallak (Metal Elementor). He was strong enough to take down Max Steel many times and as a result even Steel pointed out that he was the strongest of his brothers.

  • Superhuman Durability: He was able to endure the Vortex Interceptor launched by the jets of N-Tek and return to the fight without considerable damage.

  • Superhuman Speed
  • Immunity to T.U.R.B.O. Energy: Since he is made out of air, he cannot be hit by T.U.R.B.O. Energy projectiles, nor anything solid.

  • Enhanced Intelligence: Air is the smartest of the Elementors. For example, in Elements of Surprise Part One, he was intentionally caught by N-Tek's forces in order to free his brothers and unleash a large amount of Ultralinks on their base.



Intelligence145 IQ
Strength100+ tons
Speed1.2x Speed of Sound

Super Powers

DurabilityIntelligenceSuper SpeedSuper StrengthFlight