
OC Aileron


universe Superhero Database Original Characters

Aileron's powers and abilities

Name - Aileron, Elder Goddess Aileron

Classification - Elder God, Goddess of Domination

Age - Unknown

Powers and Abilities - Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Immortality (Types 1, 3, 4, 5 and 10), Regeneration (True-Godly), Flight, Mind Manipulation, Telepathy, Telekinesis, Reality Warping, Spatial Manipulation, Time Manipulation, Power Nullification, Beyond-Dimensional Existence, Higher-Dimensional Manipulation, Dimensional Travel, Portal Creation, Energy Manipulation, Energy Absorption, Energy Projection, Size Manipulation, Body Control, Magic, Pain Manipulation, Emphatic Manipulation, Status Effect Inducement, Elemental Manipulation, Nigh-Omniscience

Weaknesses - Aileron is very arrogant, and likes to toy with her opponents instead of just killing them outright.

Destructive Capacity - Varies. Multiverse level+ at their weakest (Superior to Hydra, who effortlessly tossed around the combined power of Heartstone, Lord Devastator and Scorch), High Hyperverse level at their strongest (Equal to Cthulhu, who was slightly stronger than MAX Power Soulcrusher and Ultimate Heartstone) | Outerverse level (Infinitely beyond the likes of Ultimate Heartstone and MAX Power Soulcrusher. According to the narrator, she is �??undecillions of times greater�?� than Atum, who was a beyond-dimensional being)

Range - Varies. Multiversal+ at their weakest, High Hyperversal at their strongest | Irrelevant (Beyond dimensional scale. Range is not a limit to her)

Speed - Immeasurable (Should be able to blitz Heartstone, Devastator and Scorch like Hydra did. Faster than MAX Power Soulcrusher and Ultimate Heartstone | Irrelevant (Faster than speed itself)

Durability - Varies. Multiverse level+ at their weakest (Scales to Hydra, who tanked several attacks from Heartstone, Devastator and Scorch, High Hyperverse level at their strongest (Scales to Cthulhu, who tanked a punch from MAX Power Soulcrusher to the face with no discomfort) | Outerverse level Lifting Strength - Immeasurable | Irrelevant (Faster than speed)

Striking Strength - Immeasurable | Immeasurable Stamina - Infinite. The Elder Gods are vastly superior to the New Gods, all of whom can fight indefinitely.

Intelligence - Nigh-Omniscient (The Elder Gods all have constant knowledge over the outerverse and everything within it)

Key - Avatars | True Form