Agent Greta IV

Agent Greta IV

universe Chuck

Agent Greta IV's History

Agent Greta was assigned to work undercover in the Burbank Buy More by the CIA who had taken over the Buy More. It is revealed that the purpose of the Greta program is as a way for the NCS to select agents for their Intersect project.

Greta IV was almost compromised by Jeff Barnes and Lester Patel after they noticed that the string of new employees all had the name "Greta." The CIA assassin seemingly disappears from sight and reappears unexpectedly, drawing suspicion from the two. When they begin stalking her, Greta becomes annoyed with them, and complains to Morgan, requesting that he stop them from prying, and threatening to take care of them herself if he doesn't. Morgan asks Casey for help, who initially refuses. But when Jeff and Lester lure Greta to the storage cage and she begins threatening them with a knife, Casey covers with a story that Greta has been stealing from the store and customers, ending the duo's investigation. As Greta packs up, she complains that the operation at the Buy More is too unprofessional and expresses disappointment with Casey. Casey retorts that Team Bartowski is the finest spy team he has ever served on, and, after they exchange several monosyllabic grunts, he sends her on her way.

Greta IV has less tolerance for the 'quirkiness' of Buy More employees, and a greater readiness to display and employ violent skills to ensure her privacy than the other Gretas.