

Elishi Jay

Superhero Database Original Characters

Afro's powers and abilities


She was fast enough to dodge point blank blast from a Machine Guns, she is fast enough to hit a fly with a chopstick 9ft away from her


She has withstood a full speed bullet train hitting her, but it took her 15hrs to heal from it

Marksmanship (She is a master marksman, she has never missed her target and even has been able to hit a moving opponent on a bullet train throw a small window on the train,)

She Is a Military trained sharpshooter and marksman

Peak Human Condition




Weapon-based Powers

Weapons Master

Afro's weaknesses

She is basically human if you can overwhelm her healing factors who you can some series age, she can take small bombs and gun fire and heal from it easily, but rocket launcher and explosion of the mag put magnitude lot of damage and strain on her healing factor then shot to the head will put her down