Aelius (The Eonic Chronicles)

Aelius (The Eonic Chronicles)

Superhero Database Original Characters


1. **Name**: Aelius, the Tempest Sentinel 2. **Tier**: At least 5-B, Planet level (As the guardian of the elemental forces of wind and storms, Aelius would have the power to summon storms that can affect entire planets). 3. **Powers and Abilities**: - **Aerokinesis**: Mastery over air and wind, capable of creating gales, tornadoes, and hurricanes. - **Atmokinesis**: Control over weather patterns, allowing for the creation of storms on a planetary scale. - **Flight**: Ability to navigate and move through the skies with ease. - **Elemental Intangibility**: Can become one with the wind, making him untouchable at will. 4. **Attack Potency**: Planet level (Can unleash and direct storms powerful enough to envelop and devastate entire planets). 5. read more

  • Power Stats

Official Superhero Database stats. | Class: -


Creator yes
UniverseSHDB OC - Superhero Database Original Characters
Character Tier 4+ (Large Planet / Small Star)
Full name
Alter Egos No alter egos found.
Place of birth The Cyclone Throne lies at the center of the Great Maelstrom, an eternal storm raging in the upper atmosphere of the world. Here, amidst the clash of lightning and the roar of ceaseless winds, Aelius first emerged, born from the heart of the tempest's fur
First appearance
Alignment Good


Gender Male
Species // Type Demi-God
Height 182.9 cm • 6'0"
Weight 90.72 kg • 200 lbs
Eye color White
Hair color Black
Skin color White


Played by
Occupation The guardian of the winds and storms
Base The Eye of the Tempest is a floating citadel that resides in perpetual tranquility at the heart of the world's greatest storms. This stronghold is both a sanctuary and a command center from which Aelius monitors the atmospheric conditions across the plane
Relatives Aurora, the Zephyr Matron (Mother): As the gentle breeze that nurtures life and whispers through the leaves, Aurora embodies the softer aspects of wind, complementing her son's command over storms. Stratos, the Skyfather (Father): The embodiment of the vast sky and the heavens above, Stratos's dominion offers the expanse in which Aelius's storms can dance, his realm providing the canvas for their son's tempestuous artistry.
Teams No teams added.
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