

universe Ben 10

Addwaitya's History


Thousands of years ago, Addwaitya mastered magic.

Sometime later, Addwaitya got his hands on the Alpha Rune, an exceedingly powerful magical item (which was actually a piece of the Map of Infinity in disguise) and reached the interdimensional world of Ledgerdomain. He got corrupted by the immense magical power the artifact possesses.

The inhabitants of Ledgerdomain, though most of them were very powerful sorcerers and sorceresses, were unable to defeat him, and their leader, Spellbinder, was forced to send his brother, Hex, and his daughter, Charmcaster, to Earth in order to keep them safe. While he did that, Addwaitya murdered him and took control of Ledgerdomain. He had also enslaved most of the people of Ledgerdomain to do his bidding.

Ultimate Alien

In Escape from Aggregor, Addwaitya was briefly mentioned by Galapagus. Addwaitya was first seen in Where the Magic Happens, when Ultimate Aggregor reached Ledgerdomain in order to get his hand on the Alpha Rune. Chasing him, Ben, Kevin and Gwen were forced to ask for Charmcaster's help in order to reach Ledgerdomain. When the group arrived, Addwaitya immediately felt their presence and attacked them. Addwaitya also used Spellbinder's voice to encourage Charmcaster to fall to her death (though the team stopped Charmcaster from doing so). When they got to Addwaitya's citadel, a Pallorfang attacked them and died after falling off the edge of the land. After a feral fight, Addwaitya was surprised by an attack from Ultimate Humungousaur, allowing Ultimate Aggregor to knock him out with a sneak attack and escape with the Alpha Rune. Ledgerdomain then started falling apart and Charmcaster, seeing Addwaitya weakened, chose to stay behind to fight him and save her people.

In Enemy of My Frenemy, Ben, Gwen, and Kevin, having returned to Ledgerdomain to save Charmcaster, stumble across Addwaitya, who is magically bound to a stone formation while his magic is being drained by a nearby crystal. After destroying the crystal, he is magically handcuffed by Gwen and questioned on what had happened to him. Addwaitya claims this was done to him by a "usurper," but does not disclose the individual's name. They then decide to bring him with them to reach the "usurper". On their way there, they stopped at a waterfall. With Ben and company distracted, Addwaitya used his magic to dissipate Gwen's mana handcuffs and cast a spell on the water, turning it into a giant water monster, while he went to fight the "usurper". The usurper turned out to be Charmcaster, wielding the Alpha Rune. Addwaitya attempted to attack her, but was no match against her with the Alpha Rune, and has his soul sucked out of him for her machine. When her spell is later reversed and all the souls of Ledgerdomain are returned to their bodies, Addwaitya is revived as well.

In The Ultimate Enemy: Part 2, Addwaitya was seen in a flashback.


He has a short appearance talking to Charmcaster in Charmed, I'm Sure. He has been turned into a totem along with Darkstar and is kept in Charmcaster's bag. Charmcaster is listening to his advice concerning her plans, but is still confident that she is in control of him, although Addwaitya manages to manipulate her. His conversation with Charmcaster made Ben, Rook, and the others think she's crazy.

In Charm School, though Addwaitya made no on-screen appearance, Charmcaster talks to him while he is in her bag.

In Third Time's a Charm, Addwaitya, along with Darkstar, Hex, and Gwen, are freed from Charmcaster's Bag. After begrudgingly congratulating Gwen on her magic, Addwaitya teleports away.