

Thor Odinson

Prime Marvel Universe

Thor's powers and abilities

Odin, the All-Father of Asgard, said to Jord (Gaea the Earthmother of Midgard), "I seek an heir whose powers surpass Asgard."

Thor is one of the strongest heroes in the Marvel Universe. Besides his enormous physical strength, and being durable enough to survive a blast from Celestials, Thor also has energy manipulation powers that are on par with the Silver Surfer. He is also armed with Mjolnir, the mystical warhammer that has been shown to be capable of opening passageways through space and time, blocking all sorts of energy blasts, and bending the elements to its master's will. Thor has been shown to be able to swing Mjolnir at twice the speed of light. Thor is an Asgardian warrior god, trained and skilled in the arts of battle, and he's been doing it for ages. While Thor has usually been shown to rely solely on his fighting ability, super strength, and nigh invulnerability, he has many other options available to him if a fight starts going badly. He has complete mastery over the weather, he can open chasms in the Earth, and if worst comes to worst, use the dreaded God-blast, an attack that is so powerful that one time Mjolnir shattered from the amount of power Thor channeled. This god-blast has even caused a tiny crack in the armor of the Celestial Exitar; the force of which created a shock wave which rocked the planet Pangoria to its foundations. While on Earth, Thor once claimed to withhold his power unless fighting someone with similar strength and durability. When facing both the Avengers and the Fantastic Four the Hulk has even stated that Thor with Mjolnir is the only one among them that he considers a threat.

Asgardian/Elder God Hybrid Physiology

Biologically half-Asgardian on his father's side and half-Elder God on his mother's side; Thor possesses a number of superhuman attributes common among the Asgardian and other gods. However, due to his unique birth, some are considerably more developed than those of the vast majority of his race. Thor's skin, muscle, and bone tissues have several times the density of the same tissues in the body of a human being, contributing to his superhuman weight. He is invulnerable to powerful energy blasts, weighted impacts, falls from great heights, explosions and various other opposing forces. Even without his godly power Thor is still physically the strongest and most durable of all the Asgardians.


also known as the God-Force. The godly energies that fuel all of Thor's godlike powers. Thor's immortal life-force is more powerful than the mystical properties of Mjolnir. Unlike many other deities, Thor's unique Life-force allows him to have full access to all of his powers regardless of what realm he enters. The only beings so far that has been shown to affect Thor's God-force are Odin Dormammu, and Odin's raven in the form of Marnot. Thor's God-force is also the key to him using the God-blast.

Godlike Strength

In addition to being the God of Thunder, Thor is also the Asgardian God of Strength, as such he is physically the strongest of the Asgardian gods and his strength is unlimited. His feats include destroying an arch weighing over a million tons, crumbling Uru into dust, lifting the Midgard Serpent, who was large enough to coil around the Earth from head to tail multiple times over and crush it in its grip. Pushing the Worldengine, which reversed the Yggdrasil Tree. Thor nearly killed Angrir with a powerful blow, who had defeated the base level Red Hulk (He grows much more powerful from absorbing energy). His clash against Gorr shattered entire worlds. He effortlessly threw a piece of star core at the god-bomb. He also physically held together the fissures of a badly damaged moon, and mended it with his lightning.

He has effortlessly snapped adamantium alloy cables by simply flexing. He pushed over the leaning Tower of Pisa with his finger. His punch when met with same force has leveled a countryside and even closed dimensional rifts. He has towed the island hydrobase into New York Harbor. After being damaged in a battle, Thor literally holds up the George Washington Bridge long enough for Damage Control to fix it. Wonder Man conceded Thor as his superior. He has also resisted the gravity of a neutron star.

Thor has proven capable of several acts of vast physical strength, including stalemating the Hulk in battle for an hour. He was able to break Silver Surfer's force field with a single blow, knocked out Namor with a single blow (despite Namor being fully hydrated during a rain storm), and has effortlessly defeated the Bi-Beast, Red Hulk, and Gladiator. He has also stalemated Hercules in various contests of strength, and nearly rendered the Juggernaut unconscious after negating his mystical defenses. Thor's strength is so great that he was able to launch Harald Jaekelsson's body into orbit with a single uppercut and sent the Hulk-like Bodolf the Black right through the entire Earth with a single punch.


Being a god whose heritage is both half-Asgardian and half-Elder God affords Thor virtual invulnerability and immunity to any such human ailments as diseases, toxins, poisons, corrosives, fire, viruses, electrocution, asphyxiation, and he has a immunity to heat and subzero and lead and radiation poisoning. Thor has flown through the heart of stars. He withstood what he thought to be the weight of a score of planets. Thor was able to survive direct multiple blasts from the Asgardian Destroyer. Thor also once took a glancing hit by a Doomsday Bomb that was capable of ravaging an entire planet, and soon after that explosion he fell from space (leaving a crater miles wide) to a planet called Pangoria. He has withstood several blasts from Odin, and even survived blasts from Celestials. With his powers reduced in half, Thor was able to withstand a blow from the Skurge the Executioner's axe. Thor is truly extremely difficult to kill as his life force is stated to be augmented by his godlike heritage, and Mjolnir. Thor can even survive absolute zero temperatures, and even though he was trapped inside, he showed no discomfort after being rescued by Hulk and immediately resumed battle.

Superhuman Speed

Even without the Mjolnir, Thor can move at extreme speeds and easily outrun many speedsters (if not all). Thor can fly to the sun in a matter of minutes. Thor was even able to strike down a moving Quicksilver and has claimed to have fought foes faster than him. He can throw Mjolnir at several times the speed of light and also swing Mjolnir at several times the speed of light while his strength was reduced in half. It has been established that the speed of Thor's hammer transcends both time & space. In addition, Thor can appear anywhere across the Universe or other dimensions in just seconds. Thor could visually detect objects that move at fantastic speeds (this happened when Thor was the target of artillery fire and when he saw the speedy Hermes.) Thor once stated that he was as fast as the lightning he commands. Thor can twirl his cape so fast that he creates a tornado.

Superhuman Stamina

Thor's advanced musculature is more beyond efficient than that of a human and most other Asgardians. His virtually inexhaustible stamina enables him to hold his breath for an undefined period of time, and exert himself at peak capacity for months without tiring at all. Using the Belt of Strength also doubles his stamina to incalculable levels. While in the state of Warrior's Madness, Thor's stamina also increased tenfold.

Superhuman Senses

Thor's superhuman sense's allow him to see objects as far out as the edge of the Solar System, allow him to track objects traveling faster than light, and hear cries from the other side of the planet.

Regenerative Healing Factor

As stated previously, Thor is not invulnerable to all harm and it is possible to injure him. But due to Thor's unique physiology he is able to heal from most injuries much faster than a human being could. Thor has displayed the ability to regenerate his liver when it was vitrified, and was able to heal his two broken wrists in a matter of hours. This healing factor is said to be much stronger than that of the typical Asgardian Gods. With the use of Mjolnir, Thor can also regenerate his clothes. Also, with Thor using his other powers, he can regenerate missing limbs or organs. However, without the Mjolnir, his other powers or the Odin Force, Thor cannot regenerate lost limbs.


It is a common misconception that Thor and the other Gods of Asgard are truly immortal. Unlike many other Asgardians, he cannot age by any conventional means. However, Thor and the other members of his race do age but at a rate so slow that to other beings they give the appearance of immortality. Thor has been stated to be thousands of years old which makes his life span incomparable to that of the human beings which he protects. When the Asgardians consume the Golden Apples that are cultivated by the goddess Idunn, they are able to maintain themselves in their physical prime. An exception occurred when Thor temporarily became the Rune King, effectively becoming immortal and improving his powers immensely.

Super Breath

Thor can use his breath to create hurricane force winds.


Thor has shown the ability to fly and levitate without his hammer.

Self Sustenance

He is capable of surviving in the vacuum of space unaided and does not need air, food, water, or sleep.

Earth Control

After his resurrection, Thor has accepted his heritage as a child of the Elder Goddess Gaea and gained the ability to control the Earth. He has demonstrated this ability by being able to create continental-spanning chasms and earthquakes that are off the Richter Scale in the Earth itself. He can control landslides and avalanches.

Transcend Dimensions

When he was trapped in the Tesseract (a pocket universe prison) from the Collector, Thor determined the boundaries of the Tesseract and escaped.

Vast Energy Manipulation

Thor has stated that he relies on the power of Mjolnir too often. Mjolnir does afford powers and abilities that he would not normally have, but Mjolnir is a tool, and Thor has natural energy manipulation abilities without Mjolnir, in most case, his natural powers surpasses than most Asgardians Gods. He can easily go toe to toe with Zeus's own extremely powers. During Ragnarok, Thor had seen his family and friends fall to Loki's army and he reached down into himself for strength he never realized before and projected an energy blast so powerful that he knocked out Durok the Demolisher, who was so powerful that Thor, even with Mjolnir, was barely able to hold his own against. He can always projects omni-directional blast.


Thor usually uses Mjolnir to channel his storm abilities but he is capable of discharging lightning bolts from his hands. He also summoned a lightning bolt from the sky without Mjolnir to strike Hogun to revive him from near death. He summoned a lightning bolt to strike Hercules (which brutally injured him) to break his grip on him. He once mended together a badly damaged moon with his lightning.

Rain Manipulation

Thor can summon rain without the use of Mjolnir. Thor called down rain to bless that land where Kurse fell during Ragnarok.

Memory Alteration

Thor calls this the 'Gift of Forgetfulness'. He took away Jane Foster's memories of her being kidnapped by Loki and a reporter's experience in Asgard.


When Thor speaks with the All-Tongue anyone who hears him will hear him speak their native language in their hearts.


Indomitable Will

Thor has shown to have a powerful force of will, so much so that he has defied the will of his father Odin, who is his king and is bound to serve him, on several occasions if he feels the need to do so. He does not back down from any foe, does not give into a fight and is willing to lay down his own life in defense of others. On occasion, he has demonstrated the will power necessary to overcome mental domination.

Master Combatant

A little known fact about Thor is that not only is he known throughout history as the Norse God of thunder and strength, but also of war. Since birth, he has been groomed to be Asgard's finest warrior. He has shown proficiency in hand-to-hand combat, aerial combat, swordsmanship, mace wielding, hammer throwing, and wrestling. Being a God of War, he has mastered various fighting styles (historical and modern) from both Asgard and Earth. He is also considered to be as one of the most powerful fighters in history, which occasionally defeat foes who are even more powerful than himself.

Telepathy Immunity

Thor has the ability to resist the mental influence of powerful beings. He resisted a mind thrust attack of the Rigellians, the magical music of Ares, a mental attack from Glory, Morgana le Fay's attempt to dominate his mind, resisted the power of the Eye of Horus, and the mind blast of the Super-Beast.

Some Knowledge of Magic

Thor was able to cast an illusion, after years watching Loki prowess in manipulating magic.


Thanks to the Allspeak Thor can communicate in all of the languages of the Nine Realms, Earth's dialects, and various alien languages.

Master Tactician

For millenia, he has lead Asgard into battle against overwhelming forces with great leadership and employing effective strategies and tactics. Thor serves as the as the first choice to defend Asgard from it's enemies. He has earned the trust of his fellow Asgardians to follow him into battle. When Odin died after his battle with Surtur, all of Asgard was behind the idea to follow Thor as the new King of Asgard.

Talented Public Speaker

Thor has addressed Asgardian masses, rallied troops and Avengers teammates into battle. He has also married some of his Avengers teammates and given compassionate eulogies.

Highly Influential Connections

During his life, Thor has served Asgard as it's Prince, Lord, and King and with these positions he has had access to the wealth of Asgard to pay an Oklahoma land owner for the land he put Asgard on, all the weapons and magical artifacts in Asgard and field command of Asgard's forces in Odin's stead. As a founding member of the Avengers, he has a good reputation among Earth's heroes who would answer his call if needed and he would answer their call in return. He also has good relations with gods from other pantheons.

Diplomatic Immunity

After Thor's rebirth, he used Mjolnir to recreate Asgard on Earth in Oklahoma. At this time, Iron Man was head of S.H.I.E.L.D. and confronted Thor about his bringing Asgard in U.S. territory. After Thor beat down Iron Man, Stark suggested that Asgard be treated as a foreign embassy and with it citizens full diplomatic privileges, to which Thor agreed.

Gifted Intellect

Thor possessed and retains the medical knowledge of Donald Blake, even as Thor. In early years, Blake also possessed scientific knowledge enabling him to build an android with an IQ of 375 and durable enough to withstand the blows from Thor's hammer. Thor's time among Tony Stark and the Avengers also gave him great knowledge of complex Earthly systems of electronics and the ability to modify the systems for his own purposes. However, his scientific skills have not been mentioned later in his career. He is however shown to be an avid reader of books written by other deities when he needs to learn new information.



Intelligence160 IQ

Super Powers

Accelerated HealingAcid ResistantsAgilityAttack ReflectionAuraCold ResistanceCorruption ResistanceDexterityDimensional TravelDivine PowersDurabilityElectricity AbsorptionElectricity ResistanceElectro-Magnetism ManipulationElectrokinesisElement ControlEnduranceEnergy AbsorptionEnergy BlastsEnergy ManipulationEnergy ResistanceEnhanced ConditionExistence Erasure ResistanceFire ResistanceFlightForce FieldsGodly PhysiologyHeat ResistanceImmortalityIndomitable WillIntelligenceInterstellar TravelInvulnerabilityLongevityMagicMagic ResistanceMarksmanshipMaster Martial ArtistMind Control ResistanceNon-Physical InteractionPortal CreationPower SenseProjectionRadiation AbsorptionRadiation ControlRadiation ImmunityReality Warping ResistanceReflexesSelf-SustenanceShockwaves GenerationSpaceflightStaminaStatistics AmplificationSummoningSuper SpeedSuper StrengthSupernatural ConditionTeleportationToxin and Disease ResistanceWeapon SummoningWeapon-based PowersWeapons MasterWeather ControlAcrobaticsAdaptationAfterimage CreationAnti-GravityAstral ProjectionBanishBerserk ModeBullet TimeCausality ResistanceClairvoyance ResistanceCurse ResistanceDimensional AwarenessDisguise ResistanceEnergy BeamsEnhanced HearingEnhanced MemoryEnhanced SightEnhanced SmellExtrasensory PerceptionHeat GenerationHellfire ResistanceHoming AttackImmortality NegationJumpLevitationMagnetismMaster TacticianPower AugmentationPower Mimicry ImmunityRage PowerResurrectionSealingSoul ResistanceSuper BreathTelepathyTelepathy ResistanceTime ManipulationTime Manipulation ResistanceTransformationTransmutation ImmunityVibration ManipulationVision - NightWind ControlAcausalityAge ManipulationAntimatter ManipulationAudio AlterationClairvoyanceDimension StorageExistence ErasureFire ControlFusionGravity ControlHoly ManipulationHoly ResistanceIllusion ResistanceIllusionsIntangibilityInvisibilityLight ControlMatter ManipulationMemory ManipulationMind ControlOdin ForcePhasingPossessionPossession ResistancePower AbsorptionPower Absorption ImmunityPower NullifierPsionic PowersReality WarpingRegenerationSoul ManipulationTelekinesisTerrakinesisTime TravelVortex Creation