

Anung Un Rama


Hellboy's powers and abilities

Hellboy's superhuman abilities would seem to stem from his demonic heritage. While his specific powers and abilities have never been explicitly listed, Hellboy is much stronger and more physically durable than an ordinary human.

Superhuman Strength

Although the true extent of his strength is unclear, Hellboy possesses a strength level of Class 5. He has tossed opponents weighing at least four to five hundred pounds, hurled a large broken tree at a giant, thrown a harpoon through a monster along with the ship mast, and lifted a chunk of rubble to crush his opponent.

Superhuman Speed

While he's not much of a speedster, Hellboy's shown to be pretty fast for a creature his size. He could quickly purse a vampire from outside of a castle to the underground and appear right in front of a human after causing the human to flee.

    Superhuman Reflexes

    Hellboy's reflexes are far greater than any normal human being, being able to catch a demon in its fly form before it escaped and snatch missiles out of the air. He's also reacted to several floating heads at once, a surprise charge from a super gorilla, and a blast from Grigori Rasputin.

    Superhuman Agility

    Hellboy possesses agility, balance, and coordination which surpass even the finest human athlete. He's dodged attacks from humans, a giant werewolf, an entire army of zombies and he can dodge lightning, bullets, and lasers.

Superhuman Durability

Hellboy is shown to be capable of withstanding wounds that would be fatal to ordinary humans without being incapacitated, as well as recovering from injuries at an incredible rate. He has been shown to withstand great impact forces, high caliber bullets, exposure to extremes of both temperatures and falls from great heights. He has been savagely beaten by large monsters on several occasions and survived, often with relatively minor injuries.

Superhuman Endurance

Hellboy has consistently displayed enormous amounts of endurance. He can fall thousands of feet and walk it off like it's nothing and shake off injuries after being crushed and beaten by a giant. On one occasion, Hellboy directly charged an MG-42 machine gun and took numerous bullets to the chest before destroying the gun. On another, he was impaled by a massive spearhead through the chest, but smashed the handle and charged the attacker, leaving the spearhead buried in the tree behind him. Despite being shot in the face two times by a double-barrel shotgun, Hellboy got up and walked to the home of his shooter, all without passing out.

Superhuman Stamina

While certainly not limitless, Hellboy's stamina has been shown to exceed that of normal and highly athletic humans. Hellboy's stamina is part of what keeps him going in a long battle and the factor that backs up his stubbornness as he refuses to go down in a fight.

Enhanced Sight

Hellboy has been noted to have advanced sight, allowing him to see farther than average humans. The extent of his sight ability seems to be limited to distance, but he's shown to not have too much trouble seeing in the dark or in minimal-light situations.

Accelerated Healing

Although he can be damaged like any living thing, Hellboy possesses a "healing factor" (much like the Marvel Comics character Wolverine) that allows him to recover from wounds at an incredible rate. One example of this was when he recovered after being in close proximity to his concussion grenade.

    Decelerated Aging

    Hellboy seems to age differently from normal humans. At the time that young Hellboy tried his favorite food, �pamcakes�� for the first time, he was technically two years old but appeared to be far older, around age six. In 1954 he already appeared to be a full-grown adult but was in reality about ten years old. His rapid physical maturation is in contrast to his physical rate of aging, which seems to be much slower than normal. Throughout the sixty-year span of his life, Hellboy seems to have ceased to age ever since reaching physical maturity.


    Despite being taken out many times and eventually stopped at one point, Hellboy has survived blows that would kill any ordinary human. Possibly because he could fulfill his duty as the bringer of the apocalypse, Hellboy seems to have escaped death at nearly every turn. As he's described to be "as deathless as Koshchei", Hellboy can't die unless he believes he should.

    Thermal Resistance

    Thanks to his demonic heritage and accelerated healing, Hellboy's body is quite resistant against high temperatures and fire. In the movies, he is depicted as being fireproof, and he is even more resilient against heat or burns than his comic book counterpart, to the point he became immune to all forms of fire and burns, including Liz Sherman's flames, and electrocution.

Demonic Transformation

Hellboy assumes an even more demonic form under special circumstances, either artificially or when under emotional duress. In this form, Hellboy's stumps become full-grown horns. After coming to terms with his heritage, Hellboy seems to be able to transform at will, while also sprouting wings. Hellboy becomes much stronger and gains access to his latent magic. In his full-demon form, Hellboy was able to effortlessly slaughter Hell's most powerful inhabitants.


    Hellboy can increase his size to the point where he's very larger such as Leviathan and Behemoth.

    Hell-Fire Manipulation

    While in his demonic form, Hellboy has the power to control the fires of Hell. With the power of Hellfire, Hellboy can create and manipulate massive devastating infernos from his body that obliterate anything in their path.


    In his demonic form, Hellboy has the power to command lightning from the sky and strike down whoever he wishes.


    When transformed into his demonic form, Hellboy sprouts wings which grant him the power of flight. However, it's unknown whether he uses wings or magic to achieve this feat.

Hand-to-Hand Combatant (Basic)

Although proficient with handguns, Hellboy often chooses to engage in close combat where he can utilize his incredible strength to defeat his enemies. He has also displayed skill with swords and other improvised weapons.

Occult Knowledge

His decades of experience as a paranormal investigator has given him expertise in folklore, magical rituals, the use of charms and curses, paranormal creatures, and other related topics.

Innate Multilingualism

Due to his demon heritage, Hellboy was born with the ability to read, comprehend, and understand a number of ancient, magic, and demonic languages.

Hellboy's weaknesses

Heavenly-forged weapons

Like traditional demons, Hellboy can be hurt or even killed by holy weapons, such as his rosary that burns his skin. This is only the case in the film and while he's 'evil' - in the comics, he is unaffected by holy symbols and relics because he is 'no ordinary creature of Hell'.