Created | 1 Year 4 Months 9 Days ago |
User | vonKonigsberg |
Votes | 2 |
Votes per week | 0.03 |
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Republic -
The primary advantage the Republic has is its larger and more varied starfighter lineup. The V-Wing is arguably more capable TIE Fighter and the Y-Wing is way better than a TIE Bomber. The TIE interceptor is good, but there's not nearly enough of them to make much of a difference. The ARC-170 is also a great multirole fighter. Anakin and Obi-Wan are also quite good commanders at this point and the clone pilots are exceedingly competent.
Empire -
The biggest positive for the Empire is the presence of Thrawn. To call him arguably the best commander in Star Wars history is an understatement. The Imperial Star Destroyers are also much better armed than the Venators and can slightly outrange them. Vader leading the TIEs could also be quite devastating.
Republic -
The Venator is a great carrier but a very lackluster battleship with lacking firepower and some critical weak points in the hull. The SPHA-T beam is also very powerful (able to destroy a frigate in a single shot), it also has to be used at close range where the Venator is likely to be ripped apart by the ISDs. Anakin is also a bit of a risk taker and as likely to pull off a brilliant maneuver as a stupid one.
Empire -
While the ISD is great at capital ship engagements, its anti-starfighter weaponry is quite lacking. What it relies upon for defense from that, its TIEs, are also outnumbered and outgunned by their opponents, likely meaning the ISDs will be ravaged by the Republic's veteran starfighter corps.
Final Thoughts - This can easily go either way. The Republics starfighters are powerful and could likely rip apart the ISDs with ease, but Thrawn is an absolute master at his craft. If he can deploy his TIEs effectively and use the ISDs to rip apart the Venators, it could easily become an Imperial victory. Tough one to pick a victor, but I would love to see other people's thoughts.