
Team QuicksilvervsTeam Colossus

Created by aajayunlimited

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aajayunlimited 1 y 8 mo 5 d
Team Quicksilver - vs - Team Colossus
91 months member
not voted If you watch the series, you'll see that this is the best RC ever by far. He's stronger(class 75-100--catches a big tank thrown from far away), faster and more mobile(skates/ice skates, rocket/helicopter flight, rocket movement, etc.), more durable than ever(a big building fell on him and he got up ready to fight again AND he fought better enemies than ever, but rarely needed repairs by the middle of the series), has ice/fire generation, has lasers, has fire extinguisher that put out a blow torch, X-Ray vision, has a huge airbag, has very long limbs extension, missiles projection, a "ping-pong" paddle that swatted enemy gunfire back at the enemy(how fast does your perception have to be to do that?!), a baton, classic cartoon laser pistol, etc. He's also a rare sharpshooter in all of comics/sci-fi. Don't judge him by his cover...

Engine Joe is strong and durable enough to be in Apollo's class.

HARD Corps have military weapons and access to many powers--one at a time.

Dynamic Man has major superstrength and electro-magnetic powers.

Claymore has an incredibly durable symbiote that increases his other abilities to an enhanced superhuman level. The other major power he has is to duplicate any power that his Wetworks' teammates have.

The game version of Hawkeye is incredible. There's no way the comics version is that good and he's human, so the video game does not decrease his physicality or longevity...

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