
Team Onslaught (Post-Absorption)vsTeam Multiple Man

Created by aajayunlimited

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aajayunlimited 4 y 4 mo 13 h 32 m
Team Onslaught (Post-Absorption) - vs - Team Multiple Man
91 months member
not voted Unisol Seth is 5 times the other Unsols and they are impressive in their own right. This would make him 15-25 times peak human(based on other unisols--3 to 5 times human depending on which one of the other Unisols compared). This is 7-13 Tons. Plus, they are very skilled fighters in both fighting ability and with weapons(even had super powered, state-of-the-art rifles in the sequel). The only way Luc beat it was--it was also a supercomputer unisol controller and attached directly to a main computer.

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Team Onslaught (Post-Absorption) wins!