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Lucifer Morningstar & Michael DemiurgosvsYog-Sothoth (Cthulhu Mythos) & Nyarlathotep (Cthulhu Mythos)

Created by DeanDinosaur6

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Aleazlllll 1 y 1 mo 13 d
Lucifer Morningstar & Michael Demiurgos - vs - Yog-Sothoth (Cthulhu Mythos) & Nyarlathotep (Cthulhu Mythos)
38 months member
Yog-Sothoth (Cthulhu Mythos) & Nyarlathotep (Cthulhu Mythos) All the things create infinite higher/Lower/indentical reflections that are equally real

Time doesn't exist put people believe real concept of time Is insignificant anywhere

Humans in Lovecraft could influence concepts such space time law beggining etc etc

While most of the impressions translated themselves to Carter as words there were others to which other senses gave interpretation. Perhaps with eyes and perhaps with imagination he perceived that he was in a region of dimensions beyond those conceivable to the eye and brain of man. He saw now, in the brooding shadows of that which had been first a vortex of power and then an illimitable void, a sweep of creation that dizzied his senses. From some inconceivable vantagepoint he looked upon prodigious forms whose multiple extensions transcended any conception of being, size and boundaries which his mind had. hitherto been able to hold, despite a lifetime of cryptical study. He began to understand dimly why there could exist at the same time the little boy Randolph Carter in the Arkham farm-house in 1883, the misty form on the vaguely hexagonal pillar beyond the First Gate, the fragment now facing the Presence in the limitless abyss, and all the other Carters his fancy or perception envisaged.

Then the waves increased in strength, and sought to improve his understanding, reconciling him to the multiform entity of which his present fragment was an infinitesimal part. They told him that every figure of space is but the result of the intersection by a plane of some corresponding figure of one more dimension—as a square is cut from a cube or a circle from a sphere. The cube and sphere, of three dimensions, are thus cut from corresponding forms of four dimensions that men know only through guesses and dreams; and these in turn are cut from forms of five dimensions, and so on up to the dizzy and reachless heights of archetypal infinity. The world of men and of the gods of men is merely an infinitesimal phase of an infinitesimal thing—the three-dimensional phase of that small wholeness reached by the First Gate, where ’Umr at-Tawil dictates dreams to the Ancient Ones. Though men hail it as reality and brand thoughts of its many-dimensioned original as unreality, it is in truth the very opposite. That which we call substance and reality is shadow and illusion, and that which we call shadow and illusion is substance and reality.
Planets in Cm are infinite layered

These layers have r>f

The human space-time continuum Is infinite in size

space-continuum=spatial dimension, and these space-continuum exist on an infinitely layered hierarchy

Last edited: 1 y 1 mo 12 d ago.
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Aleazlllll 1 y 1 mo 12 d
Lucifer Morningstar & Michael Demiurgos - vs - Yog-Sothoth (Cthulhu Mythos) & Nyarlathotep (Cthulhu Mythos)
38 months member
Yog-Sothoth (Cthulhu Mythos) & Nyarlathotep (Cthulhu Mythos) each spatial dimension is not an actual spatial dimensions, but the concept of spatial dimension, so we could easily say that a concept of a 4d space-continuum would easily overcome over a concept of a 3d space-continuum

each spatial dimension/space-continuum coexist with infinite higher and lower dimensions, and all of them are equally real (this mean that a spatial dimension is already infinite d)

each one of these dimensions is already infinitely complex

each space-continuum contains and transcends a minor cosmos into itself, and this continue infintie times
Such a step, he said, would require only two stages; first, a passage out of the three-dimensional sphere we know, and second, a passage back to the three- dimensional sphere at another point, perhaps one of infinite remoteness. That this could be accomplished without loss of life was in many cases conceivable. Any being from any part of three-dimensional space could probably survive in the fourth dimension; and its survival of the second stage would depend upon what alien part of three-dimensional space it might select for its re-entry. Denizens of some planets might be able to live on certain others even planets belonging to other galaxies, or to similar dimensional phases of other space-time continua though of course there must be vast numbers of mutually uninhabitable even though mathematically juxtaposed bodies or zones of space.
men hail it as reality, and brand thoughts of its many-dimensioned original as unreality, it is in truth the very opposite. That which we call substance and reality is shadow and illusion, and that which we call shadow and illusion is substance and reality.

dizzy and reachless heights of archetypal infinity. The world of men and of the gods of men is merely an infinitesimal phase of an infinitesimal thing- the three-dimensional phase of that small wholeness reached by the First Gate, where "Umr at-Tawil dictates dreams to the Ancient Ones. Though

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Yog-Sothoth (Cthulhu Mythos) & Nyarlathotep (Cthulhu Mythos) win!
Yog-Sothoth (Cthulhu Mythos) & Nyarlathotep (Cthulhu Mythos) win!
Lucifer Morningstar & Michael Demiurgos win!
Yog-Sothoth (Cthulhu Mythos) & Nyarlathotep (Cthulhu Mythos) win!
Yog-Sothoth (Cthulhu Mythos) & Nyarlathotep (Cthulhu Mythos) win!
Yog-Sothoth (Cthulhu Mythos) & Nyarlathotep (Cthulhu Mythos) win!
Yog-Sothoth (Cthulhu Mythos) & Nyarlathotep (Cthulhu Mythos) win!
Yog-Sothoth (Cthulhu Mythos) & Nyarlathotep (Cthulhu Mythos) win!
Yog-Sothoth (Cthulhu Mythos) & Nyarlathotep (Cthulhu Mythos) win!
Yog-Sothoth (Cthulhu Mythos) & Nyarlathotep (Cthulhu Mythos) win!
Yog-Sothoth (Cthulhu Mythos) & Nyarlathotep (Cthulhu Mythos) win!