The Superhero Database Classification number, or SHDB Class, is a number that represents the overall 'power' of a character. All traits of a character are used for calculating the Classification.
What it DOESN'T mean
This doesn't mean that a higher class would always beat a lower class character. But the bigger the difference in Class is, the more obvious it is who'll win in a fight.
How is this calculated
( INT^1.3 + (STR*0.5 )^2 + (SPE*0.5)^2 + DUR^1.6 + (POW + (SPS*SPL))^2 + COM^1.8 ) ^ TIER
Super Power Score and Level
Every Super Power has a score (SPS) that is used to calculate the Class. Each Super Power also has 3 levels (SPL). The level is set when connecting that Super Power to a character. The level determines the final score, of the Super Power, being used in the calculation.
Can grow to Larger than stars in size
One shots the high father
One shots wonder woman
Can matter manipulate
Non magical attacks can't hurt him
Can erase souls
Ares in the future killed all the heroes
Three's more of his hax like time traveling and stop and erasing beings and summoning army of the dead and teleporting everywhere
Maybe the rest of the league will struggle against him,]
The rest of the league will straight up get one shoted they won't even put a fight
but it's nothing compared to what superman can do]
Since when post crisis Superman can survive soul hax or matter manipulation
And how the hell will he even hurt ares without any magical weapon let alone that ares is physically stronger than supes because of one shoting the high father