
Team Iron Man (Model Prime) (MCU)vsTeam Captain Marvel (MCU)

Created by Rajneesh26477

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RatnikNaSjeveru2005 11 mo 11 h 49 m
Team Iron Man (Model Prime) (MCU) - vs - Team Captain Marvel (MCU)
48 months member
Team Captain Marvel (MCU) Let's actually be real now, the Marvels were all able to produce power that can punch through space-time, something non of the three on team 1 can do, also Monica's feat of closing the rift between 2 universes really outclasses everything they've done, let's not forget Captain Marvel's broken speed considering she can fly from one planet located in one galaxy to another located in a whole different one so yeah you could argue she speedblitzes, and another problem for team 1 is Stormbreaker, it doesn't have spell like Mjolnir so i could see Monica and Carol trading it mid fight with one another seeing as to how their tag teaming Dar Benn with her weapon was affective, and ofcourse Captain Marvel's star feat, her reigniting a sun, i can not see how they could survive if Captain Marvel does what she did then, only one that has a chance of survival is Thor but then he'd just get tag teamed, i mean afterall Thanos beat him 1v1 so i'm sure Captain Marvel with Photon and Ms Marvel should be enough
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yes 11 mo 12 m
Team Iron Man (Model Prime) (MCU) - vs - Team Captain Marvel (MCU)
33 months member
Team Iron Man (Model Prime) (MCU) CM couldn’t even overpower a significantly weakened thanos, ms marvel and Photon are still weaker then Thor
Team Iron Man (Model Prime) (MCU) - vs - Team Captain Marvel (MCU)
48 months member
Team Captain Marvel (MCU) @yes yeah but she overpowered a Thanos with all Six Stones, and Monica's feat of closing a rift between 2 universes outclasses everything Thor did

Voting feed

Team Captain Marvel (MCU) wins!
Voted neutral.
Team Iron Man (Model Prime) (MCU) wins!
Team Captain Marvel (MCU) wins!
Team Iron Man (Model Prime) (MCU) wins!