
Top 3 Curiosities in human history that almost nobody knows

Created by mtrindadc, 2 mo 16 d ago.

(anything in history goes.)


mtrindadc 2 mo 16 d
Top 3 Curiosities in human history that almost nobody knows
61 months member
1° Vampires in real life?...

"Vampire graves" in Poland have generated a lot of interest and curiosity in recent years. In fact, these discoveries are not about vampires in the supernatural sense, but rather about ancient funerary practices that aimed to prevent the return of the dead and protect communities from supposed curses.

Bones with Marks: Many skeletons have been found with specific marks, such as stakes in the heart, stones in the mouth, or padlocks on the feet. These marks were intentionally made to prevent the dead from coming back to life and harming the living.

Unusual positions: Some bodies were found in strange positions, such as face down or with their limbs tied, which was also interpreted as a way to prevent resurrection.

Personal objects: Next to the bodies, personal objects such as coins, tools or amulets were found, which could have a ritualistic meaning or serve as protection.

2° The construction of Gothic cathedrals is deeply intertwined with religious beliefs and aspirations.

I've always been a big fan of Gothic architecture...but what I didn't know is that the main details and design features of Gothic cathedrals purposefully reference the divinity of Christ

The intention behind the design of Gothic cathedrals was to reference God's sovereignty over the environment. The soaring heights, intricate details, and abundance of light were meant to evoke a sense of awe and wonder, pointing towards the divine creator.

The cathedrals were also designed to be a microcosm of the universe, with the central nave representing the path to heaven and the stained glass windows symbolizing the celestial bodies.

In this way, the Gothic cathedral served as a powerful reminder of God's omnipotence and the insignificance of humanity in comparison. And in some games they use that style of architeture like in Warhammer 40K Space marine 2 for example.

You guys can see? This is a cross (soissons cross type in the archtecture)...It seems to me that they put this in the game on purpose.
Even the 3 windows depicting the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, architectural elements like the three portals in the facade symbolizing the three divine persons..which is very common and faithful to the original Gothic architecture of cathedrals is present in the game:

Real life ones :

Warhammer 40k Space Marine 2 is one of the best games i ever played..

I've always been a big fan of Warhammer 40K.. but in this game they outdid themselves..

3° . The fact that Chinese "characters" just relate to the Book of Genesis and to the Jewish/Christian God (before the before the book of genesis was written...) that changes alot of things...It changed my perspective on Chinese culture in the past.

Last edited: 2 mo 16 d ago.